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时间:2024-03-14 21:06来源:毕业论文



Abstract: The interaction between teachers and children plays a very important role in the regional activities in kindergarten, and is the most active factor as well as the core element in the process of education。 This thesis focuses on infant regional activities, using literature method, observation method, case analysis and other research methods, researching the interaction between teachers and children infant activities 。Through deep observation of the kindergarten as well as many cases of infant regional interaction between teacher and children, these cases are analyzed and summarized clearly on the current situation of middle region, interaction between teacher and children, finding the existing problems, and put forward corresponding countermeasures and suggestions。

Keywords: the middle class in a kindergarten, regional activity, interaction between teachers and children

目   录

1  绪论 3

1。1  研究缘起 3

1。2  概念界定 3

1。3  研究对象与方法 3

2  中班区域活动中师幼互动的现状 4

2。1  中班区域活动中师幼互动的主体分布情况 4

2。2  中班区域活动中师幼互动的内容 4

2。3  中班区域活动中师幼互动的成效 5

2。4  中班区域活动中师幼互动的差异 7

3  中班区域活动中师幼互动存在的问题 8

3。1  师幼互动主要由教师发起,幼儿主体地位没有得到足够重视 8

3。2  教师发起的互动多指向纪律约束,与幼儿共同游戏过少 8

3。3  教师在活动中较少积极回应幼儿发起的互动,指导缺乏有效性 8

3。4  不同区域中师幼互动频率不均衡,师幼互动存在较大差异性 9

4  改进中班区域活动中师幼互动的建议 9

4。1  调整角色定位,发挥幼儿主体作用 9

4。2  营造民主、平等、和谐的互动氛围 9

4。3  敏感地捕捉幼儿发出的情感信息,并及时作出积极回应 10

4。4  均衡关注每个区域中的每个幼儿 10

结论 12

参考文献 13

致谢 14

附录:中班区域活动中师幼互动观察记录表 15

1  绪论

1。1  研究缘起源C于H优J尔W论R文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ752-018766 中班区域活动中师幼互动存在的问题及其对策研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_202770.html
