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时间:2023-11-25 14:59来源:毕业论文



    Abstract: In the requirements of new curriculum standards, the facts such as cramming teaching and studying passively for examination should be changed。 It is essential that we stimulate students' internal learning motivation, cultivate students'  active learning consciousness, habits and abilities in order to truly improve the students’ Chinese ability and quality。

   According to the concepts and requirements of the new curriculum standards, the factors that influence the initiative of pupils' Chinese Learning and related literature, this thesis tries to think about and expound how to stimulate pupils' internal learning motivation of Chinese from the following strategies :to guide the education practice from deep learning and comprehensive usage of motivation theories of different schools ,to create a relaxed and harmonious classroom atmosphere , to grasp the unity of tool nature and humanities of Chinese teaching ,the organic integration of teaching objectives and the selection of teaching contents , to make good use of multimedia, the instruction of reading and writing and so on。

Keywords:primary Chinese,learning initiative,teaching strategies


1。 前言 2

2。 影响小学生语文学习主动性提升的因素 2

2。1。 教师的教育理念和教育理论素养 2

2。2。 教学目标缺少整合,教学内容取舍不当 3

2。3。 写作有一定难度 3

3。 对提高小学生学习语文主动性的思考 4

3。1。 综合学习与运用不同流派的学习动机理论指导教育教学实践 4

3。2。 维持良好和睦的师生关系,营造和谐融洽的课堂氛围 7

3。3。 把握工具性和人文性的统一 8

3。4。 教学目标有机整合与教学内容的取舍 9

3。5。 教学组织和设计的创新 10

3。6。 善用多媒体,适当联系其它学科 11

3。7。 读写指导,激发兴趣,培养习惯 11

3。8。 课下交流平台 12

结论 13

参考文献 14

1。 前言源G于J优L尔V论N文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766

主动学习是指学生在教师的引导下,伴随着强烈的求知欲望和浓郁的学习兴趣的积极自觉的学习行为,是“学生个体非智力因素作用于智力活动的一种状态显示”[ ]。自主性、创造性、能动性等是主动学习的基本特征。 如何提升小学生学习语文的主动性:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_198924.html
