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时间:2023-11-11 10:13来源:毕业论文



Abstract:Information technology is changing the traditional teaching mode while supporting and promoting the traditional teaching mode。 During the teaching practice, the author found that the traditional teaching mode can not support the effective development of the PS curriculum。 After the comprehensive analysis and application, the flipped classroom can effectively improve the teaching quality of the PS class。 On the first of the flipped classroom connotation, characteristics and advantages are analyzed, and then combined with the advantages and disadvantages of the flipping classroom and traditional classroom teaching model, based on the previous construction, re designed and constructed for image production curriculum teaching mode, finally turn to the PS class as an example to illustrate this, and the effect of test。 The results show that both from the teaching effect, students' interest, or feedback from practice evaluation and evaluation after class, the flipped classroom is better than the traditional classroom。 Thus, after re design and construction of the teaching model is conducive to the image making courses improve the teaching effect。

Keywords:Flipped Classroom, Image Production Courses, PS Teaching, Construction of Teaching Model

目 录

1  研究起源 4

2  翻转课堂的解析 4

2。1  翻转课堂的定义 4

2。2  翻转课堂的特征 4

2。3  PS课程传统教学的问题 6

2。4  翻转课堂教学模式的优势 6

3  基于翻转课堂的图像制作类教学模式构建研究 8

3。1  图像制作类教学模式的构建 8

3。2  图像制作类教学模式的解释 9

4   案例展示及效果分析 10

4。1  案例展示 10

4。2  效果分析 11

结 论 13

参考文献 14

致谢 15

1  研究起源来自优I尔Y论S文C网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520~18766

著名教育学者熊丙奇认为[1],“当前最严重的问题是我们的教育内容、教育模式太陈旧,这些不改变,即使引进新技术,也只是形式上的现代化,对提高教学质量作用并不大”。该观点被诸多学者所接受,并在一定程度上折射出了我国信息化教学当前所面临的挑战。基于新教师的本能以及职业的敏感性,笔者明确了此次教学实习和研究的首要任务:如何将新的教学模式融入到学科教学中,从而更好地提升教学质量,促进学生发展。在深入PS课堂以及经过一段时间的整理内化,笔者发现:传统的教学模式并不能满足PS课程的要求,学生在学习的一周后开始遗忘课堂上的知识,经过两周的时间,所学内容甚至全部被遗忘。在此背景下,“翻转课堂”这一新兴的教学模式进入了研究视野中。教育界对教学模式的探讨与创新从未停止过,近几年,从美国起源并兴起的“翻转课堂”教学模式成为研究热点,逐渐被众多学者与教师所熟知,成为全球教育界关注的热点。翻转课堂改变了传统课堂师生的角色并对课堂时间重新进行了规划,实现了对传统教学模式的创新。由此,本研究开始之初就相信,经过重新设计之后的翻转课堂将会成为提升PS教学质量的一把利器。 面向PS课程的翻转课堂教学模式构建研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_198436.html
