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时间:2023-10-22 21:31来源:毕业论文
入园初期幼儿焦虑的具体表现和原因及对策,根据当前幼儿园和家长在缓解幼儿焦虑情绪上的误区,例如,幼儿园在幼儿入园前的预防 措施过少和入园后措施单一,家长过于依赖幼儿园

摘 要:初入园的幼儿仅有 3-4 岁,由于离开了熟悉的环境和父母亲友,缺少了亲密的陪 伴物,大部分的幼儿会产生焦虑情绪,具体表现是哭闹不止、拒绝入园、焦躁和蛮横等。 根据当前幼儿园和家长在缓解幼儿焦虑情绪上的误区,例如,幼儿园在幼儿入园前的预防 措施过少和入园后措施单一,家长过于依赖幼儿园,在幼儿入园前不重视幼儿的焦虑情绪 等。提出幼儿入园前家长陪同幼儿熟悉幼儿园,教师家访与幼儿培养感情和幼儿入园后家 长做到“狠”与重诺,教师利用幼儿园资源如“大班幼儿”等一系列缓解幼儿焦虑的有效 措施。90509


Abstract:Children are only 3 to 4 years old that leaving the familiar environment, their parents and relatives, lacking intimate companions。 Most of the children produce anxiety who came to unfamiliar kindergarten, the specific performance is keeping crying, refusing to enter the kindergarten, being anxious, arrogant and so on。 According to the current kindergarten and parents in the alleviation of anxiety on children's anxiety, for example, kindergartens in the children before the admission measures are too few and admission measures after a single; parents rely too much on kindergartens, do not attach importance to children’s anxiety and so on, put forward children into the kindergartens before the parents accompanied by children familiar with kindergarten, teacher home visits to develop feelings with children, after admission, the parents should be "ruthless" and keep promise, teachers use kindergarten resources and a  series of effective measures to alleviate children’s anxiety。

Keywords:Kindergarten children, anxiety, mitigation strategy

目 录

1 前言 3

2 入园初期幼儿焦虑的具体表现 3

2。1 情绪表现为:哭闹和焦躁不安 3

2。2 行为表现为:拒绝入园,孤僻和蛮横专制 3

3 焦虑情绪产生的原因 4

3。1 从熟悉的父母亲友到陌生的老师同伴 4

3。2 从有习惯的陪伴物到无陪伴物 4

3。3 从熟悉的家到陌生的幼儿园 4

4 当前幼儿园和家长所采取缓解措施的误区 5

4。1 幼儿园的误区 5

4。2 家长的误区 5

5 焦虑情绪的缓解措施 5

5。1 新生入园前缓解措施 5

5。2 新生入园后的缓解措施 7


参考文献 11

1 前言

幼儿园是幼儿进入社会的第一步,也是他们学会社会交往的重要场所。初入幼儿园的 孩子只有 3-4 岁,对他们而言,幼儿园充斥着陌生的人和物,没有自己熟悉的环境和亲友, 所以他们开始焦躁不安,产生恐惧感。据有关材料统计显示,在小班新入园人数中,分离 焦虑持续一周的占 15%,持续两周的占 65%,持续三周以上的占 20%[1]。

2 入园初期幼儿焦虑的具体表现

大部分家长以为幼儿初入园的情绪表现是“哭闹,不肯上幼儿园”。其实不然,“哭 闹,不肯入园”虽然是最常见的问题,但是很多幼儿在入园后也会产生其他不良情绪。根 据观察,初入园幼儿焦虑的具体表现为以下几种: 入园初期幼儿焦虑的具体表现和原因及对策:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_197739.html
