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时间:2023-09-07 21:58来源:毕业论文

摘    要 近年来,教育公平中的“课堂教学公平”问题,越来越受到社会各界的广泛关注,如何实现课堂教学公平问题也成为了一个亟待解决的重要论题。


Abstract In recent years, the issue of equal access to education, which is an important approach to promote education equality, attracts public attention。

This paper explores the fairness of classroom teaching in the base of a survey, which was administered to some primary school students, including three grades in Hangzhou, interviewed some teachers and observed the classroom teaching in the related classes。 Next it expound some performances of classroom teaching inequity at the level of classroom teaching resources allocation, classroom interaction between teachers and students, teachers’ teaching strategies and evaluating standards of classroom teaching。 Then it analyzes the reasons that lead to these phenomena。 In the end, the paper demonstrates several practical recommendations in order to provide certain references for teachers。

毕业论文关键词: 小学课堂教学公平;现状;对策源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766

Keywords: Classroom Teaching Equality in Primary School; Present Situation; Proposals 

目    录

一、选题背景及缘由 1

(一)课堂教学公平的必要性 1

(二)小学课堂教学公平的现实缺失 2

(三)国内外相关研究概况 3

(四)研究价值 8

1。 课堂教学公平研究有待完善 8

2。 本论文的研究优势及突破创新 8

二、相关概念界定及理论基础 9

(一)相关概念界定 9

1。 公平 9

2。 教育公平 9

3。 课堂教学公平 10

(二)理论基础 10

1。 全纳教育 10

2。 罗尔斯的“正义论” 11

3。 加德纳的“多元智能理论” 11

4。 罗森塔尔的“皮格马利翁效应” 12

三、小学课堂教学公平现状的调查研究 13

(一)研究对象概况 13

(二)研究内容 14

1。 课堂教学资源分配与课堂教学公平 15

2。 课堂师生互动与课堂教学公平 15

3。 教学策略与课堂教学公平 小学课堂教学公平的现状及对策研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_195968.html
