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时间:2018-05-09 20:49来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词: 中低段;小学生;错别字
Causes and Countermeasures of Lower Grade Pupils’ Typos
Abstract: The new Chinese curriculum makes a clear requirement that primary school literacy teaching should cultivate students’ good writing habits, writing correctly and beauty. However, in the middle section of the primary school, it occurs the highest probability of wrongly written characters in the course of students’ using the Chinese characters. And once typos generated, the effects are difficult to eliminate in a short period of time and it even affects the students' future life, interpersonal communication and learning. There are some types of pupils typos: too much strokes or lacking of one stroke in a Chinese word; word confusion; not understand the meaning and wrongly using; confusing words homonym; Chinese characters component deformation error. The reasons are: the characteristics of Chinese characters; psychological reasons of students and teachers. To solve the low phase of pupils spelling problems, people can use the law to memorize new words; on the other hand, people can also use the positive role in songs and mnemonics to enable students to overcome the obstacles in the interest of typos; at the same time, people can take advantage of the collective class activities to exert the role of collective education.
Keywords: Lower segment;Pupil;wrong character
目 录
摘要    1
Abstract    1
一、中低段小学生错别字的常见类型    2
(一)汉字的多笔少画现象    2
(二)形近字分辨不清    2
(三)不理解汉字意义,导致用错部首    3
(四)汉字的同音混淆    3
(五)汉字结构书写错误    3
(优尔)汉字部件形变出错    3
二、中低段小学生错别字产生的原因    4
(一)汉字本身的特点    4
(二)学生的心理原因    5
(三)教师方面的原因    6
(四)社会生活的负面影响    6
三、解决中低段小学生错别字的相关策略    7
(一)利用汉字规律,巧记生字     7
(二)发挥歌谣、口诀的积极作用,使学生在趣中克服错别字障碍    8
(三)发挥间隔性复习的积极作用    8
(四)利用班会等活动,发挥集体教育作用    9
参考文献    10
致谢    11
“识字与写字”是小学语文教学中一项重大任务,特别是对中低年级的语文老师来说,识字与写字的教学更是占据了大量的语文教学时间。其中,语文新课标明确要求,小学识字教学要培养小学生良好的书写习惯,汉字书写正确、美观。然而,在实际的教学中,小学生识字、运用汉字的能力却让人堪忧。特别是中低段的小学生,错别字现象尤为严重。翻开学生们的家庭作业本,错字别字现象比比皆是,屡见不鲜。学生错了老师给予纠正,再错再次纠正,就这样,学生反反复复地抄写与纠错着,但是效果依旧不好,这成为语文老师最头疼的问题之一。因此,我认为解决当前中低段小生错别字问题是语文教育教学中的当务之急。 试析中低段小学生错别字成因及对策:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_15260.html