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时间:2022-12-21 21:48来源:毕业论文



Research on the Construction of Information Management and Information System Major in Shipping Industry Background Colleges and Universities in the Era of Big Data

Abstract The arrival of big data, making the global demand for information management and information systems professionals has increased。 Information management and information system construction to meet the requirements of the school, but also accord with the social development, in the era of big data, shipbuilding industry as the background of the colleges and universities to seize the manufacturing oriented professional construction core。 So, what is the big data, under the background of big data shipping industry how to grow, specialty of information management and information system is how to construct。 The article to jiangsu university of science and technology as the research object, combined with the development to, through the study of the information management and information system major in personnel training, curriculum system Set, experimental teaching and the construction of teaching staff, put forward suggestions for improvement, and in order to improve the information management and information system professional reference。

Keywords:Information management and information system; big data; shipbuilding industry; professional construction

目  录

0 引言 1

1 大数据时代的意义与挑战 1

1。1 大数据概念及特征 1

1。2 大数据时代机遇与挑战 2

1。2。1 大数据的机遇 2

1。2。2 大数据时代的挑战 3

2 船舶行业在大数据背景下的发展 3

2。1 传统船舶行业的发展 3

2。2 大数据环境下船舶行业的发展现状 4

2。3 船舶行业中大数据的应用 5

3 大数据时代下国内外典型高校信管专业建设现状 6

3。1 哈尔滨工业大学 6

3。1。1 培养目标 6

3。1。2 课程设置 7

3。1。3 实验教学 7

3。2 卡内基梅隆 8

3。2。1 培养目标 8

3。2。2 课程设置 8

4 某船舶背景高校信管专业建设与差异 8

4。1 江苏科技大学信息管理与信息系统专业发展 9

4。1。1 人才培养目标 9

4。1。2 课程体系设置 大数据时代船舶行业背景院校信息管理与信息系统专业建设研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_112941.html
