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时间:2018-03-15 14:54来源:毕业论文


Analysis of The Present Situation of The Taipans Matic Educational Activities
 -take  Zhou Kou  city  S  kindergarten  for  example
Abstract: Thematic education activity is a kind of comprehensive, revolves around a theme of education and teaching activities. Theme education activities in kindergarten is given priority to with children's independent phenomenon and explore the surroundings, the teacher gives proper guidance and help, to enhance children's self-confidence and the ability to explore, to better promote the comprehensive development of children. With the kindergarten education guidelines (provisional) "promulgated, thematic education activity is one of the most common way of kindergarten teachers organization activities. The purpose of this study is in the kindergarten through actual observation, understand the present situation of the preschool thematic education activity, which found that there were problems, and connecting with the domestic and foreign experts and scholars of education subject in the research, put forward to promote zhoukou city S kindergarten’ thematic education activity strategies.
Key words: kindergarten,theme,theme education activities
目    录
摘  要    2
Abstract    2
一、主题教育活动的概述    2
(一)幼儿园主题教育活动的内涵    2
(二)幼儿园主题教育活动的类型、特点    2
(三)幼儿园开展主题教育活动的意义    2
二、幼儿园大班主题教育活动的现状分析    2
(一)主题来源仅仅局限于教材    2
(二)活动目标缺失    2
(三)活动内容的选择与组织脱离幼儿的实际生活经验    2
(四)活动开展和实施中太过注重预设的主题活动,忽视生成的主题活动    2
三、有效开展幼儿园主题教育活动发展的策略    2
(一)主题的来源应以幼儿的兴趣、需要为出发点    2
(二) 活动目标的制定要全面    2
(三)活动内容的选择与组织要切合幼儿实际生活经验    2
(四)活动开展和实施中要正确处理预设和生成的关系    2
参考文献    2
附录    2
致谢    2
《幼儿园教育指导纲要(试行)》明确指出,幼儿园的教育内容是全面的、启蒙性的,各领域内容互相渗透,从不同的角度促进幼儿全面的发展。主题教育活动则统整了健康、科学、社会、语言、艺术这五大领域,并运用了多种形式和方法来培养幼儿各个方面(情感、认知、技能等)的协调发展。以主题的形式组织的教育教学活动不仅符合幼儿身心发展的特点,而且调动了孩子们学习的积极性、主动性。因此,主题教育活动在促进幼儿全面发展的教育中具有十分重要的意义。 大班主题教育活动的现状分析:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_11082.html