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时间:2022-10-21 22:10来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词:留守儿童;  家庭教育;  现状;  原因分析;

The Analysis of the Current Situation and Cause of Family Education of Left-behind Children in Yuanzhongchang primary school

Abstract: Along with the development of economy the transfer of labor force ,the long--term moving out work of a large number of migrant workers, family education of left--behind children in rural areas has led to an increasing numbers of problems 。These left--behind children problems arising mainly form the neglect of our family。The family is the child's first school, and parents are the first teachers of children。Therefore, the family plays an important role in the education。 Based on Yuanzhongchang primary school of HuaiYang county ,the research object from current situation and analysis of cause two aspects to discuss the specific problems of family education of left--behind children in rural areas。 I hope that the research can provide some useful suggestions for the local government to do some educational decision-making。 

 Keywords: Left--behind children ; Family education ; Current situation ; Analysis of cause ;

  目  录

摘要 1

Abstract。 1

一、原种场小学留守儿童基本情况调查 2

(一)原种场小学基本情况介绍 2

(二)原种场小学调查情况 2

二、原种场留守儿童家庭教育现状分析 5

(一)学习教育方面 5

(二)生活照顾方面 6

(三)心理辅导方面 6

三、原种场小学留守儿童家庭教育缺失原因分析 7

(一)从环境分析 7

(二)家庭内部分析 8

(三)学校方面分析 9

参考文献 10

附录Ⅰ 11

致谢 12


留守儿童是社会时代下的产物,然而留守儿童家庭教育严重缺失,导致留守儿童家庭教育出现了很多问题。《辞海》在指出家庭教育是“父母或其他年长者家庭对儿童和青少年进行教育”。 [1]留守儿童很多家庭教育形式大部分都是隔代教育为主。他们认为把子女的父母养育成人了,还怎么不会懂教育,造成了很多的误区。留守儿童家庭缺失造成原因,不是单方面父母家庭的原因,它与社会大环境,学校都有关联。本文以原种场小学留守儿童为研究对象,通过访谈、文献等方法分析研究该地区留守儿童近况,探究留守儿童家庭教育的问题、以及针对这些问题,分析其成因。为政府和社会人士提供一些查阅的资料。
