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时间:2022-10-21 21:57来源:毕业论文



Primary School Chinese Character Writing Problems and Suggestions

Abstract:The handwriting of Chinese characters is the foundation of learning activities of primary school students, in the meantime, it can inspire their minds to a large degree as well as cultivating their innovative thinking。 The article through the text analysis and writing situation to look at the elementary students’ Chinese character writing assignments。 The learning found that primary school students writing in Chinese characters skeleton structure have not regular, operation interface is not clean and tidy, hold pen posture is not correct。 etc。 In view of the present situation, and considering the typical features of the primary students during their special age。 We put forward several suggestions of teachers’ view: pay attention to stroke demonstration role, strengthen students’ writing instruction, in all the subjects mutual supervision 。etc。 the goal is to promote students’ writing level , improve the teaching quality of Chinese characters。 

Key words:Primary school students; Writing Chinese characters; The problem; Deal with advice

目  录

摘要 1

Abstract 1

一、书写规范汉字的重要性 2

(一)有助于激发学生文化养成 2

(二)有助于增强学生的行为规范意识 2

二、小学生汉字书写的问题表现 3

(一)笔画笔顺不正确 3

(二)间架结构不端正 3

(三)作业界面不整洁 4

(四)握笔姿势不正确 4

三、提高小学生汉字书写质量的应对建议 5

(一)注重笔画示范榜样作用 5

(二)加强学生书写的指导 6

(三)各科教师共同监督 7

参考文献 8

附录Ⅰ 9

附录Ⅱ 10

致谢 11


“培养中小学生写好字,不一定要人人都成为书家,总要把字写得合乎规格,比较端正、干净、容易认”。养成良好的写字习惯对一个人的学习和生活也有很大的帮助,它能使人集中精力、细心认真。字是人的第二张脸,又象征着这个人的另一张名片,写字能提高一个人的修养,写字的意义远远超出了字的本身。汉字书写是小学生关于学习活动的基础,在新课标中也占有很重要的地位。在校外实习阶段中,批改学生作业时发现了为数不少的小学生书写现状不佳,如笔顺不正确,间架结构不合理等等。作为一名小学准教师,在校外实习的过程中对小学生的书写情况感触比较深刻,所以,本文以小学低年级段学生为研究对象对书写问题展开研究。试着对这次校外实习中所观察到的小学低阶段学生的书写现状及问题进行总结,在此基础上提出一些应对建议,希望小学生的汉字书写质量能得到良好的改善。论文网 小学生汉字书写的问题表现及应对建议:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_100729.html
