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时间:2022-10-18 22:17来源:毕业论文



The Study of Pupils' Aggressive Behavior and Rectification

Abstract:Aggressive behavior is one of the problem behavior of primary school students, not only has a lot of obstacles and impact on the attacker's own development, while the attacker or collective will also cause damage。 Primary stage is an important period for the prevention and correction of aggressive behavior, but also to develop an important stage of good behavior habits。 In this paper, the primary school students, which come from Zuo Fang primary school in Zhoukou, are set as the research object to comprehend the concrete manifestation of the pupils' aggressive behavior with observation method, interview method and some other research methods, and analysis the major reasons for the generation of pupils' aggressive behavior。 Based on the above, this paper gives some corresponding countermeasures。 Correct prevention and resolution of aggressive behavior can promote the healthy growth of students, which will have some positive references for other educators。

Keywords:primary school students; aggressive behavior; behavior pattern; behavior modification

目 录

摘要 1

Abstract 1

一、小学生攻击性行为的表现方式 2

二、小学生攻击性行为的成因分析 3

(一)家庭教育因素 3

(二)社会环境因素 4

(三)学校教育因素 5

(四)同伴关系因素 6

三、小学生攻击性行为的对策 7

(一)创造轻松愉快的家庭氛围 7

(二)加强家园合作 7

(三)净化大众传媒的环境影响 7

(四)教师良好的教育态度和教育方式 8

(五)运用移情训练法减少攻击性行为 8

(六)教会学生解决人际冲突 8

(七)纠正攻击性较强的学生 9

结束语 9

参考文献 10

附录Ⅰ 11

附录Ⅱ 12

附录III 13

致谢 14


攻击性行为也叫侵犯行为和攻击型问题行为,作为一种小学生的主要社会行为,指有意地对接受者的身心造成伤害。它是学生之间尤其是小学生经常出现的心理性问题行为。攻击性行为不仅阻碍小学生个性和认知的发展[1],也影响学生人格、品德和良好行为的形成,同时影响教师对教育、教学工作的正常实施。对于被攻击的学生而言,一旦遭受攻击,被攻击的事实就会成为他对现实生活体验的一部分,经常遭受攻击则会导致被攻击者情绪波动、注意力不稳定、容易感到孤独自卑、缺乏自尊,更甚者出现逃学厌学、学习成绩下降及失眠的状况。被攻击的经历还会有长期的影响,并且该影响会扩及成年甚至整个一生。可见,小学生攻击性行为问题具有重要的研究价值。 小学生攻击性行为成因及对策研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_100596.html
