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时间:2022-10-13 22:15来源:毕业论文




The problems and countermeasures in the relationship between teachers and students

Abstract: the relationship between teachers and students is a kind of relationship which forms in the process of teaching and learning。 The relationship between teachers and students has a direct impact on the students' healthy growth and development, the quality of teaching and learning。 With the deepening of quality education and the deepening of the new curriculum reform, how to build a nice relationship between teachers and students is more and more scholars and front-line teachers are concerned about。 The teaching based on the related theories, using the method of literature research。 In the first place ,the paper introduces the concept of teacher-student relationship and the importance of nice relationship between teachers and students, and then analyze the outstanding problems existing in the current relationship between teachers and students from four aspects, and in the end attempts to put forward countermeasures of establishing a nice relationship between teachers and students。

Key words: Relationship between teachers and students; Conflict between teachers and students; Democratic education; Teaching benefits learning。

目  录

摘要 1

Abstract 1

一、师生关系及其重要性 2

(一)师生关系的概念 2

(二)建立良好师生关系的重要性 2

二、当前师生关系存在的问题 3

(一)对学生缺乏足够的关爱 3

(二)不能平等对待每一个学生 4

(三)不能做到教学相长 5

(四)师生冲突时有发生 6

三、建立良好师生关系的对策 7

(一)要深入研究学生 7

(二)提高教师的自身素质 8

(三)树立以学生为本的观念 8

(四)平等对待每一位学生 9

(五)妥善处理师生之间的冲突 9

参考文献 10

致谢 11


随着素质教育的深入和新课程改革的大力推进,师生关系被越来越多的人所关注。现阶段师生关系相当严峻,发生在各个地方的师生之间的冲突也越来越多,有些甚至已经危及到了生命。因此,构建良好的师生关系是刻不容缓的。抱着这样的目的,笔者采用了文献研究法,翻阅了大量的材料,从中发现了现阶段小学师生关系之间存在的问题,并针对这些问题提给出了如何构建良好师生关系的几点建议。 师生关系存在的问题及对策:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_100282.html
