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时间:2022-02-22 22:05来源:毕业论文



Abstract: graphene, composed of a monolayer sp2-bonded carbon atoms, which closely pack into a single two-dimensional honeycomb lattice structure。 Cu is a kind of very representative of catalyst has excellent electrochemical performance, especially in the design of sensors。 As a result, Cu nanoparticles supported on carbon materials were often used to build sensors to detect biological molecules。 Graphene due to its special two-dimensional planar structure, has excellent electrical and mechanical properties, so that it is an ideal substrate for catalyst deposition。 In this paper solvothermal method was used to prepare nitrogen doped grapheme-Cu nanocomposite。 The effect of time, temperature and pH value was studied in detail。  The electrochemical sensor based on nitrogen doped grapheme-Cu composite was used to determine H2O2, and the results show that H2O2can be detected with high sensivity。 

Key words: solvothermal method, nitrogen doped graphene–Cu composite, electro- catalysis

目   录

1 前言 3

1。1石墨烯简介 3

1。1。1 石墨烯的制备 3

1。1。2 石墨烯的应用 5

1。2掺氮石墨烯 6

1。2。1掺氮石墨烯介绍 6

1。2。2 掺氮石墨烯材料的合成方法 6

2 实验部分 7

2。1 实验器材 7

2。2 实验试剂 7

2。3 氧化石墨的合成 7

2。4 掺氮石墨烯-Cu纳米复合材料的合成 8

2。4。1无还原剂并控制加热时间 8

2。4。2无还原剂并控制加热温度 8

2。4。3加还原剂并调节pH 8

2。4。4回流法 9

2。5 掺氮石墨烯-Cu的后处理 9

3 掺氮石墨烯-Cu电催化性能的研究 9

4 实验结果 9

4。1掺氮石墨烯-Cu纳米复合材料的SEM表征 9

4。2 掺氮石墨烯-Cu纳米复合材料的XRD表征 11

4。3过氧化氢在修饰电极上的循环伏安曲线(CV) 11

4。4定量检测过氧化氢的 i-t 曲线 12

结论 13

参考文献 14

致谢 15

1  前言

1。1  石墨烯简介

在2004年,石墨烯由英国曼彻斯特大学的物理学教授Andre Geim等用一种简单的胶带剥离法从高度定向热解石墨中分离出来,他们因在此领域的杰出贡献,在2010年获得诺贝尔物理学奖。 溶剂热法掺氮石墨烯-Cu纳米复合材料的合成及电催化应用:http://www.youerw.com/huaxue/lunwen_90059.html
