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时间:2019-08-27 20:51来源:毕业论文

Biotope sewage treatment process design
Abstract: Nowadays, lots of separated sub-districts are build with the population explosion, and some of the sewage are discharged directly without purification and reuse, leading to serious environmental pollution and ecological destruction. Therefore, it is necessary and urgent to design a suitable treatment processes of the sub-districts. In this paper, a sewage treatment process with capacity of 4000 m3/d were designed to satisfy the grade A of the first level of “discharge standard of pollutants for municipal wastewater treatment plant (GB 18918-2002)”. The cyclic activated sludge system (CASS) were selected in this design. The wastewater treatment process and the type of structures were confirmed, and the structure size were calculated. Based on the above design, the blueprints of the main structures were drawn.
Keywords: sub-district; Sewage treatment plant; CASS crafts;
目 录
第一章 总  论    1
1.1 基本资料    1
1.1.1 设计规模    1
1.1.2 水质指标    1
1.1.3 处理程度计算    1
1.2 设计的内容    3
1.3 设计原则    4
1.4 设计成果    4
第二章 设计工艺选定    5
2.1 当前国内小区污水处理概况    5
2.2 污水处理工艺比较选择    6
2.2.1 A2/O工艺    6
2.2.2 序批式活性污泥法(SBR)工艺    7
2.2.3 CASS工艺    7
2.2.4 工艺方案选择    9
第三章 污水处理构筑物的设计计算    11
3.1 设计流量计算    11
3.2 格栅    11
3.2.1 设计说明    11
3.2.2 设计参数    11
3.2.3 设计计算    12
3.3 一级提升泵    15
3.3.1 流量计算    15
3.3.2 扬程计算    15
3.3.3 选泵    15
3.3.4 其他设施    15
3.4 沉砂池的设计    16
3.4.1 沉砂池的选择    16
3.4.2 设计参数    16
3.4.3 设计计算    17
3.5 配水井设计    19
3.5.1 设计参数    19
3.5.2 设计计算    19
3.6 CASS反应池    20
3.6.1 设计参数    20
3.6.2 反应池池体计算    22
3.6.3 运行工况确定    23
3.6.4 供氧系统设计    24
3.6.5 剩余污泥量计算    27
3.7 接触消毒池    28
3.7.1 设计参数    28
3.7.2 设计计算    28
3.7.3 加氯量计算    28
第四章 污泥处理构筑物的计算    30
4.1重力浓缩池的设计计算    30 生活小区污水处理工艺设计:http://www.youerw.com/huaxue/lunwen_38409.html