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时间:2019-01-24 19:40来源:毕业论文
研究了聚丙烯酰氧乙基三甲基氯化铵(PDAC)对活性染料模拟废水的处理效果。以3种不同特征黏度的PDAC为混凝剂,分别对活性红3BF、活性黄3RF和活性艳蓝KN-R 3种活性染料配制的单组份模

摘要本文研究了聚丙烯酰氧乙基三甲基氯化铵(PDAC)对活性染料模拟废水的处理效果。以3种不同特征黏度的PDAC为混凝剂,分别对活性红3BF、活性黄3RF和活性艳蓝KN-R 3种活性染料配制的单组份模拟印染废水进行絮凝处理,在前人已有的对脱色率、悬浮颗粒的Zeta电位和絮团大小的研究基础上,重点研究考察了CODMn去除率这一重要指标。结果表明:PDAC特征黏度越大,对废水的处理效果越好,即废水的脱色率增加、形成絮增大;同样的,染料的相对分子质量越大,分子中磺酸基个数越多,形成的絮团越大,处理效果越好,上述结果与原有的文献报道的结果一致。特别地,本次研究发现随着PDAC投加量的递增,3种模拟废水的CODMn去除率随脱色率变化逐渐升高至峰值,然后大幅度下降。32993
关键词:PDAC  混凝  活性染料   印染废水  脱色  机理
Title  Preliminary study on decolorization and mechanism of dyeing wastewater simulated by dye                               
The treatment effect of polypropylene acyl ethyl three methyl ammonium chloride (PDAC) to dyeing wastewater simulated by dye was researched. Using 3 kinds of PDAC samples with different intrinsic viscosity values as coagulants, the coagulation treatment of the one-component simulated dyeing wastewater prepared by reactive red 3BF, reactive yellow 3RF and reactive brilliant blue KN-R respectively was carried out. Based on the existing research for decolorization rate, Zeta potential of suspended particles and floc size, the important index of CODMn removal rate was investigated emphatically. The results showed that the more intrinsic viscosity value of PDAC, the better treatment effect for wastewater, i.e. the higher decolorization rate of wastewater and the bigger size of formed floc. Similarly, The bigger molecular weight of dye, the more number of sulfonic acid group in the molecule, the bigger size of formed floc, the better treatment effect. The above results were same with the results reported in the existing literature. Especially, the research found that with increasing the dosage of PDAC, the CODMn removal rates of 3 kinds of simulated wastewater gradually increased to the peak with the charge of decolorization rates, and then dropped significantly.
Keywords   PDAC  Coagulation  Reactive dye   Decolorization   Mechanism
目   次
1  绪论    1
1.1 印染废水现状    1
1.2 活性染料的结构与特点    1
1.3 印染废水处理方法研究现状    2
1.4 PDAC处理染料模拟印染废水的研究现状及存在问题    4
1.5 本文的研究内容及意义    5
2  实验原理    6
2.1 混凝作用机理    6
2.2 PDAC与活性染料的作用机理    6
3  实验部分    8
3.1 实验方案设计    8
3.2 实验仪器和实验试剂    9
3.3 实验步骤    9
3.4 实验结果    10
3.5 结果分析与讨论    16
结  论    17
展  望    18
致  谢    19
1  绪论
1.1 印染废水现状
水是生命之源。我国是一个水资源相对匮乏的国家,虽然水资源总量丰富,但人均拥有的水资源却仅为世界平均水平的25%,水资源紧张已成为当前社会亟需解决的问题。近年来,随着经济不断发展,人口逐渐增加,工业水平不断提升,对水资源的需求与日俱增,水污染问题也日益突出。据相关部门统计,近年来,我国的污水排放总量以3%的年增长率不断增长,2011年工业废水的排放总量达到245亿吨。其中,纺织业排放的工业废水在全国41个行业中位列前茅,其印染加工过程排放的废水量占纺织业废水排放量的七成以上。 染料模拟印染废水脱色及机理的初步探究:http://www.youerw.com/huaxue/lunwen_29817.html