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时间:2018-12-15 20:22来源:毕业论文

The research related animal model of aortic dissection
Abstract: The main objective of this paper is to study the method of establishing an animal model of aortic dissection. A stable and high simulation of an animal model of aortic dissection is established, it will greatly advance our understanding of aortic dissection cognitive processes, and to improve the prevention of the disease, diagnosis and treatment to provide a better research tools. For example, a normal diet as control group, named C57, compared with fed high-fat diet and angiotensin Ⅱ induced ApoE - / - mouse as the experimental group, establishing an animal model of aortic dissection. Results: Aortic dissection C57 mouse in the control group was 0%, the experimental group ApoE - / - mice aortic dissection was 58.3%, aortic dissection occurred in varying degrees of damage. Conclusion: The high-fat diet fed with angiotensin Ⅱ induced ApoE - / - mouse can efficiently simulate clinical preparation of an animal model of aortic dissection.
Keywords: Aortic dissection;Model organism;Angiotensin Ⅱ
目  录
1 绪论    1
1.1 研究目的和意义    1
1.1.1 目的    1
1.1.2 意义    1
1.2 主动脉夹层简介    1
1.2.1 主动脉的结构    1
1.2.2 主动脉夹层    2
1.3 主动脉夹层的临床治疗现状    4
1.3.1 内科治疗    4
1.3.2 外科治疗    5
1.3.3 介入治疗    5
1.4 主动脉夹层的发病机理    5
1.4.1 动脉粥样硬化与主动脉夹层的相关性    5
1.4.2 高血压与主动脉夹层相关性    5
1.4.3 炎症反应参与主动脉夹层的发生    5
1.4.4 血管紧张素Ⅱ在主动脉夹层发病机制中的作用    6
1.5 诱导主动脉夹层动物模型的方法    6
1.5.1 外科诱导法    6
1.5.2 饮食控制诱导法    7
1.5.3 Ang-Ⅱ诱导法    7
1.5.4 转基因技术诱导法    7
2 实验部分    8
2.1 实验材料    8
2.1.1 实验仪器    8
2.1.2 药品与试剂    8
2.1.3 实验动物和饲料    9
2.2 实验方法    10
2.2.1 动物实验设计方案    10
2.2.2 主动脉夹层模型制备    10
2.2.3 无创血压测定    12
2.2.4 主动脉病理学分析    13
2.2.5 组织切片    14
2.2.6 苏木精&伊红染色    14
2.2.7 地衣红染色    15
2.3 数据统计    15
3 结果与讨论    16
3.1 血压测定    16
3.2 体视显微镜观察    16
3.3 染色观察    17
3.3.1 苏木精&伊红染色    17 主动脉夹层动物模型研究+文献综述:http://www.youerw.com/huaxue/lunwen_27695.html