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时间:2017-06-23 10:05来源:毕业论文
论文针对我国事业单位绩效考核的情况,剖析了其中存在的主要问题和弊端 ,提出了一系列的改进措施,以促进事业单位绩效考核制度的完善与发展

摘 要:事业单位的绩效考核是其人力资源管理体系的重要组成部分。近几年来,我国事业单位的绩效考核工作在实践不断探索,取得了长足的发展,但依然面临着诸多问题。例如官员的绩效考核意识不够强烈、考核程序不够完善、考核方法过于单一、考核结果与奖惩机制脱节等等。凡此种种,均阻碍了我国政府职能部门的转型以及行政体制的改革。本论文针对我国事业单位绩效考核的情况,剖析了其中存在的主要问题和弊端 ,提出了一系列的改进措施,以促进事业单位绩效考核制度的完善与发展。10654
关键字:事业单位 ;绩效考核 ;科学管理
Existing Problems in Performance Appraisal of Public Institutions and Countermeasures.
Abstract: Performance appraisal of public institutions is an important part of the human resource management system. In recent years, performance appraisal works continuously gain exploration in practice in our country,and have made great development, but it still has so many problems. For example, the officials performance appraisal consciousness is not strong enough, the appraisal program is not complete, assessment methods are too single, assessment  results are porced from rewards and punishment  mechanism and so on. All this have hindered the transformation of government function departments and the reform of administrative system. Aiming at the condition of the performance appraisal of public institutions in our country, this paper analyzes the main problems and disadvantages, puts forward a series of improvement measures, so as to promote performance appraisal system of public institutions and make it perfect.
Key  words: public institutions; performance appraisal; scientific management
目    录
摘 要    2
Abstract    2
一、我国事业单位绩效考核的发展状况    3
(一)事业单位绩效考核的发展历程    3
(二)我国事业单位绩效考核的特征    5
二、事业单位绩效考核中存在的问题    6
(一)绩效考核意识淡薄    6
(二)考核前期缺乏沟通    6
(三)考核目标不够明确    7
(四)考核结果处理不当    7
三、事业单位绩效考核问题的成因分析    7
(一)传统人事管理观念的影响    7
(二)绩效考核本身的难度性    8
(三)外部环境对绩效考核的制约    9
四、完善事业单位绩效考核的对策建议    9
(一)树立求真务实的理念    10
(二)加强考核前的沟通反馈    10
(三)改革考核机制和标准    10
(四)充分利用和转化考核结果    11
(五)建立科学有效的监督机制    11
参考文献    12
致谢    13
    1.初始阶段 事业单位绩效考核存在的问题与对策:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_9771.html