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时间:2022-06-26 20:59来源:毕业论文



Abstract: The restore and exploitation of a large number of ancient town has begun to show its economic value with the development of the economy and the improvement of quality of life。 However, in the the first few steps of exploiting the ancient towns,  the imperfection in some aspects is leading to the problems such as a waste of  resource,the overlap of commercial structure and so on。 This paper focuses on the current situation of ancient towns’ exploitation and development, analyzing the insufficient use of existing culture value in Dongkou ancient town, the low level of for the development of tourism products, the imperfection of ancient towns’ infrastructure, and the lack of coordination in small business of ancient towns。 In the end, This paper provides some strategies, as deepening the cultural value of ancient towns, doing future research and design of tourism products, improving the facilities,and coordinating the structure of small business to accelerate the tourism development of Dangkou ancient town。

Key words:ancient town, tourism, development

目 录

1  引言 3

2  荡口古镇旅游发展现状 3

3  荡口古镇旅游业发展中存在的主要问题 3

3。1  古镇文化价值没有得到合理的展现和利用 4

3。2  古镇品牌宣传不足,旅游产品开发层次低 4

3。3  古镇设施不完善,消费者缺乏积极性 4

3。4  商铺缺乏协调性,生态环境恶化 5

4  促进荡口古镇旅游业发展的对策 6

4。1  深挖古镇文化内涵,大力开发文化产品价值 6

4。2  实施品牌战略,深度开发旅游产品 6

4。3  完善古镇设施,满足游客多元化需求 7

4。4  协调古镇商业格局,加强古镇生态意识 7

结论 9

参考文献 10

致谢 11

1  引言


荡口古镇凭借深厚的人文情怀、独特的建筑风格、灵秀古朴的水乡风貌、优质的管理服务,不仅获得了游客的好评,专家的认可、业界的肯定、领导的赞誉,更在2014年荣获“无锡市级特色街区”、由上海第一财经频道颁发的“中国最美村镇奖”等荣誉,并成功晋升为国家4A级旅游景区。荡口古镇的开发为它带来了独特的商业价值,但同时开发不到位又对古镇的旅游可持续发展产生威胁。产品的同质化,商业结构的重叠,相对于商业化,古镇文化的价值开发力度不够等问题的产生破坏了古镇旅游业发展的格局[1]。 无锡荡口古镇旅游业发展现状对策研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_95643.html
