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时间:2022-05-22 20:41来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词: 贫困大学生;高校教育救助;社会救助;救助方式

A Study about the Way of Educational Assistance to Poor College Students

Abstract:Since the 1980s,China has revolutionized the model of higher education cost sharing ,and the number of college students has grown ,and the gap between the rich and the poor is becoming more and more serious, the number of poor students in our country has gradually increased。 In order to ease the social problem and make poor students have access to higher education, China has formed an education aid system based on “Scholarship, Student loans, students’ subsidies, part-time work,allowance and exemption of tuition”。 And the government has increased the investment for the aid of poor college students。 So the educational aid system is more and more completing。 The article analyzed the present situation of the educational aid of the poor students in colleges and universities and the problems。 It analyzes the causes of the problems in three aspects: economy, education and society。 And it compares and draws lessons from the experience of the educational aid in United States and Britain。 This article puts forward the countermeasures on educational aid of the poor college students from three aspects: the government, the school and the society。

Key Words: poverty-stricken students;higher educational aid;social aid;the way of aid


一、绪论 1

(一) 研究目的和意义 1

(二) 国内外文献综述 1

(三) 研究方法 2

1、 定量研究与定性研究相结合 2

2、文献法 2

3、问卷分析法 3

二、我国高校贫困生教育救助方式的情况 4

(一) 高校贫困生教育救助的现状 4

1、他助教育救助的现状 4

2、自助教育救助的现状 6

(二) 高校贫困生教育救助方式存在的问题及其原因分析 7

1、 他助教育救助方式存在的问题 7

2、 自助教育救助方式存在的问题 8

3、  救助方式问题产生的外部原因分析 9

三、 完善我国高校贫困生教育救助方式的建议 12

(一)完善他助教育救助方式的建议 12

1、 弱化助学金的无偿性救助 12

2、 提高对学费减免的重视程度 12

3、 完善特殊困难补助的实施细则 高校贫困生教育救助方式的研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_94130.html
