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时间:2020-05-23 22:06来源:毕业论文



The Research of the Influence Factors on Ventures Undertaken by Science and Technology Talents


This paper, from the science and technology talents opportunity recognition, entrepreneurial opportunities in the development and use of the analysis of the influence factors of the science and technology talents undertakings. Among them, the psychological characteristics of scientific and technological personnel, personal qualities, family background and education background is the effect of technology talents undertakings internal factors, and society, government and cultural environment affect technology talents undertakings is the external factors that influence each other, interaction, the impact of the science and technology talents undertakings enthusiasm and success. Based on the study of each factors that cultivate entrepreneurial spirit, to improve their own quality, optimizing the external environment, create conditions to encourage entrepreneurship and countermeasures, so as to improve science and technology talents into entrepreneurial activity and entrepreneurial success rate.

Key Words: The science and technology talents; venture; influence factors

目   录

0引言 1

1科技人才创业理论基础及研究现状 1

1.1理论依据 1

1.2问题的提出及研究意义 2

1.3科技人才创业的现状 3

2科技人才创业影响因素 3

2.1创业机会的识别 4

2.2创业机会的开发及利用 5

3促进科技人才创业的对策 10

3.1培养创业精神,提高自身素质 10

3.2优化外部环境,创造条件,鼓励创业 11

结  论 13

致  谢 14

参考文献 15



在对科技人才创业的影响因素研究方面,个人,外部环境等方面都对科技人才的创业造成影响,强硬的个人素质和强烈的创业欲望影响着个人的创业倾向和信心,让更多的科技人才敢于创业,勇于创业并且有所成就;社会各界的支持和政府国家的优惠、鼓励政策促进其投资创业的热情;而良好的文化环境则有利于减少人才的流动,目前科技改革的一项难点就是科技人才的显隐性流失,因此对文化环境的改良与优化是实施人才战略的一项重点工程,我们从强化人才强国的观念意识入手,提高科技干部的整体素质和水平,为科技人才提供优良的文化环境。 科技人才创业影响因素研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_52526.html
