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时间:2022-05-12 22:54来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词: 传统百货;消费者体验;转型策略

New Retailer Based on Consumer Experience

        ———— Shanghai K11 as an example

Abstract:Network era and experience the dual context of the economy, the traditional retail industry by the emerging market, the huge increase in electricity business。 Consumers favor fast and convenient at the same time optional goods more expensive cheaper online shopping, homes will receive the world under the department store into the bag。 Under this general trend, for the veteran retail industry to find a way back to life, has become a large number of scholars and business people to discuss the subject of research。 Among them, with the largest volume of retail complex department store transformation transformation, attracting many solid retailers are concerned about the eyes。

This article reviews the development of traditional Chinese department stores, the specific analysis of the status of department stores, to study the actual problems encountered。 Through the literature research method, questionnaire survey, combined with spss, the use of frequency analysis, factor analysis, to understand the consumer demands, analysis of consumer experience for the shopping experience。 At the same time to further explain the influential factors of department store consumer experience, through vertical online and offline cooperation and horizontal format adjustment, for the traditional department store to the new department store transformation proposed feasible recommendations。

Keywords:  traditional department store, consumer experience, transformation strategy

目 录

一、 绪论 1

(一) 研究背景 1

(二) 研究目的与意义 2

(三) 研究方法 3

(四) 研究流程 3

二、理论基础 5

(一)4P 5

1。 产品 5

2。 价格 5

3。 渠道 7

4。 促销 8

(二) SWOT 9

(三) 消费者体验(customer experience) 11

三、 传统百货的发展与现状 13

(一) 中国百货的发展 13

(二)传统百货当前面临的问题 基于消费者体验的新型百货策略上海K11为例+SWOT分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_93768.html
