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时间:2019-12-18 20:34来源:毕业论文



  Research on the Enterprise Brand Construction Based on Technology Innovation

Abstract:With the development of situation of enterprise competition, the competition between enterprises involved in the competition of product quality at the same time, is gradually introduced in the competition of technology products, and thus for the enterprise brand construction, we must to pay attention to the technological innovation, continue to increase the product technology content, so that the product brand awareness and brand building achievement, so in recent years, the academic thinking of the enterprise technology innovation and brand building gradually increased. This paper to Huawei as an example on how should enterprises through technological innovation to accelerate the improvement of its brand visibility, Huawei, and efforts to brand building. Through researching Huawei Brand building the road to explore the positive role played by technological innovation in brand building. Despite this through technological innovation to promote brand building into people's vision, but for how to effectively technological innovation and brand building two relations, the full quickly to push development of enterprise growth is still Chinese enterprises desiderate to solve practical problems. By Huawei as a typical case to analyze and reveal the relationship between the two, hoping to provide some ideas and methods for enterprises in brand building, allow enterprises to get some inspiration.

Key words: Technological Innovation;Brand Building;Intellectual Property Rights;Huawei

目    录

摘  要 1

Abstract 1

一、企业技术创新与品牌建设的关系分析 2

(一)技术创新为品牌建设服务 2

(二)品牌建设促进技术创新 3

(三)两者相辅相成,缺一不可 3

二、技术创新视域下品牌建设存在的问题分析 4

(一)多数企业缺少自主核心技术和自主品牌 4

(二)盲目组建所谓“合资企业” 5

(三)知识产权保护力度不够 5

(四)我国产业科技研究与开发投入明显不足 6

(五)重大科研成果转化率低 6

(六)人才跳槽现象突出 6

三、典型高科技企业品牌建设的案例分析—以华为公司为例 基于技术创新的企业华为品牌建设研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_43591.html
