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时间:2021-10-13 19:56来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词:汉文化景区 ;讲解服务

The Problems and Countermeasures of the Explanation Service of the Xuzhou Han Cultural Scenic Spots in Xuzhou

Abstract With the development of the tourism industry, the total number of tourists in the tourist market is increasing, and the service quality of the travel process is higher and higher。 In the tourism activities, scenic spot to explain the service in the tourism process has a crucial position, the quality of the scenic spot directly affects the quality of the whole tourism service。 The guide in the area to explain the problems appeared in the process, take the scenic area of Xuzhou Han culture as an example were analysis, that explain the existence of lack of preparation, lack of presentation skills, focus is not prominent problems and on problems were thinking and analysis services, then the problem exploration and put forward the corresponding improvement proposals and countermeasures, in order to promote the scenic Han culture to explain the service level, improve the overall quality of tourism services。

Key Words: Xuzhou Han Culture Scenic Spot ; Tour guide service 

目  录

摘  要 I

Abstract II

目  录 III

一 引言 1

二 汉文化景区概况 1

(一)汉文化景区的基本情况 1

(二)汉文化景区的讲解员队伍构成 1

(三)汉文化景区讲解服务研究的典型性 2

三 汉文化景区讲解服务中存在的问题 2

(一)导游词准备不充分 2

(二)机械背诵缺乏讲解技巧 4

(三)讲解重点不突出且线路不熟悉 5

四 提升汉文化景区讲解水平的建议 5

(一)导游词的准备要充分 6

(二)运用富有艺术性的讲解手法 7

(三)善用技术手段提升讲解质量 8

参考文献 10

一 引言

旅游业中的前辈们常说一句谚语说的好:“导游一张嘴,丑的也变美”、“全凭导游一张嘴、调动游客两条腿”。虽然用词有言过其实的嫌疑,但这也从另一个方面侧面突出了现在旅游活动中,讲解服务在旅游过程中扮演至关重要的角色。随着我国旅游事业的不断发展和成熟,旅游行业被纳入到法制的轨道上来,国家对旅游过程的各个环节都规定了相应的服务标准,其中导游讲解服务的质量也在不断提高[1]。虽然如此,在现实生活中,旅游活动中的讲解服务存在着诸多的问题,能够找出这些问题来并且有效的改善,对于提高从业者的讲解水平,提高旅游服务的整体质量有着很大的作用。 徐州汉文化景区讲解服务中存在问题及对策研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_82942.html
