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时间:2021-09-26 21:23来源:毕业论文





ZhangNian brine geese ChangZhou region brand promotion planning case

Abstract This graduation design project is Zhang Nian brine - goose, Zhang Nian brine geese in the vicinity of Changzhou and Danyang opened dozens of stores, is a specialized stewed goose products shop, the complete set is about the brand promotion of Zhang Nian brine - goose in Changzhou area。

This project combined with Zhang Nian brine - goose current market investigation and early against Changzhou market customers for detailed investigation, analysis of consumer buying habits, buying behavior, consumer behavior analysis, identify the target consumer groups Zhang Nian brine - goose, again according to the market situation, find out the direct competitors and introduction of competitor analysis, and with its own product to make the SWOT, and formulate the correct brand positioning。

According to the brand positioning, develop brand development goal and strategy, and focus on the launch a series of plan, online and offline planning at the same time, combined with some public relations activities, thereby to increase the visibility of Zhang Nian brine - goose and in the minds of consumers to deepen the impression, through the promotion of this defective in brand, aims to enhance the Zhang Nian brine - goose brand visibility, improve market share。

Key Words: Zhang Nian salted goose  brand promotion  popularity  media strategy

前  言



本小组结合此次毕业设计项目的目标和品牌需要,在活动前期有目的的进行了市场调查,了解了行业发展现状,同时还通过调查问卷了解了常州地区消费者对于张埝盐水鹅品牌认知情况。通过各方面的调查选择出张埝盐水鹅的竞争对手,并对竞争对手进行分析。结合市场调查、消费者调查和竞争者分析的结果,明确了张埝盐水鹅在常州地区的优势、劣势、机会和威胁。然后根据得出的SWOT分析,结合4P营销理论制定出相关的价格、渠道、促销等营销组合策略,扩大销售渠道提升品牌的知名度。在一系列的调查分析以后,确定了张埝盐水鹅的品牌定位,并制定了相关的广告创意和公关活动,已达到传播品牌形象的目的。 张埝盐水鹅常州品牌推广策划案+SWOT分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_82323.html
