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时间:2020-03-23 20:49来源:毕业论文



Qualitative Research on the Influencing Factors of the Elderly’s Health Care Products Consumption 

Abstract: The elderly have reached the climax of the enthusiasm by buying the health care products, and the cases of the elderly being deceived often happen, this phenomenon not only makes the elderly property damages, but also affects the family harmony and the psychological health of the elderly. In this study, the influence factors of the elderly’s health care products consumption were analyzed, so that the elderly and their families have some knowledge of sociology and mental health, and avoid being deceived. This article uses the qualitative research and semi structure interview to survey ten people who had purchased health care product in Jilin City , Jiaohe province, the age of them are more than 65(including 65). Research results show that the elderly health care consumption is influenced by age discrimination to reduce, Health factors, consumer psychology, Seek social support are mainly four factors, which contains the other reasons such as cognitive habits, a strong sense of loneliness and reasons.

Key words: Old people; Health care products consumption; Psychological factors

目  录

摘要 1

Abstract. 1

引言 2

1研究方法 3

1.1研究对象 3

1.2研究过程 3

2结果分析 5

2.1相关访谈资料的处理 5

2.2判别力降低对老年人保健品消费的影响 5

2.3健康因素 7

2.4老年消费心理 7

2.5寻求社会支持 8

3总结与建议 9

参考文献 12

附录Ⅰ 14

附录Ⅱ 15

致谢 16 


保健品具有调节人体机能、增进健康的功能,随着人们生活水平的逐步提高,对自身的健康日益重视,而对保健品的需求也在迅速升温,为健康投资已经成为一种趋势。在营养保健方面,老年消费群体对保健产品的市场需求日益旺盛,调查显示67.5%的老年人使用过营养保健产品,有59%的老年人表示愿意参加养生保健方面的知识讲座[1]。而老年保健品市场良莠不齐,很多保健品的价格也贵的惊人,且被商家欺骗的老年人不占少数,老年人对保健品也是高额投入。据《中国新闻周刊》与腾讯网2011年的一项调查显示,在全国1928个接受调查的家庭中,有近六成老人买过保健品,有三分之一以上消费金额在1000至5000元,有五分之一达到5000以上。从各种迹象可看出,老年人对保健品的热衷程度极高,甚至有不理性的消费现象。所以本研究从老年人心理需求、健康状况、孤独感等多角度对老年人会执迷于保健品做心理学分析,探究老年人保健品消费是受哪些心理方面因素的影响,让子女找到根源,重视老年人的心理发展和心理需求,帮助老年人提高社会认知力、主观幸福感,防御和避免老年人再次陷入保健品骗局。 老年人保健品消费影响因素的质性研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_48788.html
