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时间:2021-09-22 20:27来源:毕业论文



Abstract:With the development of e-commerce, online shopping fast into people's lives, and constantly changing consumer habits and lifestyles。 Although the development of electronic commerce continue to standardize and perfect, but there is still a problem, the issue of integrity of both trading rules, enacted in seven days no reason to return rules apply process problems and problems exist in China。 At the same time as the industry increasingly competitive, how to develop and implement effective rules and development platform for the overall long-term development of eco-commerce platform is essential。

   Firstly, through literature, introduction to the theory and research status at home and abroad related to seven days no reason to rule, to further clarify the research direction; then analyzes the status quo Honesty e-commerce platform and seven days no reason to rule problems for subsequent case studies and provide policy recommendations to pave the way; then put forward practical marketing strategy for their problems related theories; Lynx platform, for example to an empirical study analyzed seven days no reason to apply the rules and to protect the integrity of the case。 It concludes with recommendations for improving the presence of the issue of integrity, as well as seven days no reason to develop improved。

毕业论文关键词:电子商务平台; 诚信问题 ;七天无理由退换货

Keyword: ;E-commerce platform;Honesty ;Seven days no reason to return


1。引言 3

1。1研究背景及意义 3

1。2研究内容 3

1。3本文创新点 3

2。文献综述 4

2。1 电子商务平台退货规则的研究 4

2。1。1国外相关研究 4

2。1。2 国内相关研究 5

2。3 研究中存在的问题 5

3。电子商务平台下诚信问题 6

3。1网购存在的诚信问题 6

3。1。1买家存在的诚信问题 6

3。1。2卖家存在的诚信问题 6

3。2电子商务平台如何诚信经营 6

3。2。1 建设第三方平台诚信经营的监督管理体系 6

3。2。2培养商家诚信经营的意识和素质 7

3。2。3提升消费者诚信建设的基本措施 电子商务平台诚信问题研究以七天无理由退货规则为例:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_81992.html
