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时间:2021-09-10 20:11来源:毕业论文



Abstract: Marketing is not a panacea, but for the enterprise, there is no marketing is absolutely . Marketing is the blood of the oil market, lubricating all aspects of the market. With the development of the auto industry, the automobile oil demand is growing rapidly, and oil brand emerge in endlessly. Many well-known brands of lubricating oil is not cheap, quality is general, bring consumer confusion. Based on these reasons, this paper start from the product status of lubricating oil analysis, it discussed the market situation of shun to lubricating oil.It  can through to shun lubricating oil in chuzhou market marketing the problems were analyzed, and from shun to lubricating oil development strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to study. Put forward reasonable suggestions on the development of shun to lubricating oil, and then puts forward the enterprise win and continue to consolidate market leader should take the marketing strategy.

Key words: lubricating oil, marketing strategy, product positioning, innovation


1引言 3

2相关理论 3

2.1 SWOT分析 3

2.2 国内竞争环境分析 3

2.3滁州市竞争环境分析 4

2.4企业竞争力分析 5

3 舜能润滑油SWOT分析 5

3.1优势 5

3.2劣势 6

3.3 机会 7

3.4威胁 7

4舜能润滑油营销过程中存在问题分析 8

4.1市场调研不到位 8

4.2营销团队综合素质不高 9

4.3 售后服务不到位 9

5 提高舜能润滑油市场营销效率的对策 10

5.1加强对市场的调研和分析 10

5.2 提升营销团队综合素质 12

5.3提升售后服务水平 12

结论 13

参考文献 14

致谢 15

附录 16


随着家用轿车的不断普及,汽车车型也在不断更新,使得公众对于养车护车的意识日渐的提高,都强烈的刺激着高端润滑油市场的发展。润滑油高端市场份额的逐年增长,是国内润滑油企业在激烈的润滑油市场竞争中不断提升产品品质和服务质量。各个润滑油厂家为了占得更多的市场份额,展开了全方位的市场竞争,想要在竞争中获得胜利,市场营销策略的选择和应用起着主导作用。通过营销策略的应用,企业可以达到塑造企业形象和宣传企业文化的目的,使产品品牌深入人心,使得消费者购买,从而获得利润。本文针对舜能润滑油安徽滁州市场的营销策略问题进行分析,希望能够推动舜能润滑油的发展。论文网 舜能润滑油营销中存在的问题SWOT分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_81566.html
