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时间:2021-08-04 19:54来源:毕业论文

摘 要:随着信息化时代来临,各大O2O平台高速发展。外卖O2O致力于统筹解决接单配送方面的困难,以其信息量巨大,信息互动方式灵活、表现形式多样,又具有方便支付的特点,在校园市场中备受青睐。但发展的同时,平台自身的问题正在逐步暴露,包括食品安全的监管,自建物流的落后,与商家用户缺乏黏性等等,本文首先对外卖O2O进行概念说明,举饿了么平台为典型例子,研究其发展状况功能作用,接着着重论述外卖O2O在高校环境中的发展及其面临的问题,结合文献和对该论题的理解,对外卖O2O发展现状存在的问题进行剖析。70305


Abstract: Take-away O2O platform is a form of O2O initial success. It takes the lead in putting forward GrubHub marketing introduced the United States, It has a unique business value. 

In the rapid development of the O2O take-away as a rigid demand, in order to delivery have inherent problems, take-away O2O is committed to co-ordinating the development and solutions to those problems. Take-away O2O platform, with its huge amount of information, Flexible interaction,and characteristics of convenient payment,getting more and more consumers favour , hitting the traditional mode of delivery and possible to be replaced in the future. 

It will develop into a sets sell function and advertising and marketing as one of the platform, provide a more convenient service for people. Businesses can take advantage of business releases takeaway information, product and service information to consumers is more accurate, extensive and passed directly.Buyers can be more intuitive to feel all this, make a more satisfying meal choices.This paper defined the external O2O advertisements, and then study its development present situation, elaborates take-out O2O in development and are faced with the problem of the environment in colleges and universities, combined with the literature and the understanding of the topic, analyzes the problems existing in the current situation of the development of foreign sell O2O, and proposed foresee the possible development in the future.

Keywords: Take-away O2O, Colleges and universities, Information

目   录

















(二)转移市场中心,拓展平台多样性 10

(三)提高管理水平,重铸品牌形象 10

结论 11

参考文献 12

致谢 13


随着互联网的高速发展,线下商务与互联网商务相结合的方式逐渐走近我们生活,从打车、家政、 美容、 外卖、 医疗等与生活息息相关的方方面面。2014年间,先是腾讯阿里两大互联网巨头在打车O2O的两虎斗争,接着国外资本优步强势进入中国市场,甚至冲击着现有法律并开始瓜分出租车公司的既得蛋糕,这番事件引起大众对O2O前景的一片瞩目。而在打车O2O声名大噪的同时,外卖O2O的战场也紧随其后硝烟不断。长期以来外卖O2O平台一直缺少一个具备深刻影响力的成熟平台,直到饿了么外卖O2O平台在2009年应运而生,数年的发展。截至2016年4月,经过七轮融资,饿了么市值估价已超45亿美元,把持着外卖O2O市场28.4%的份额。美团外卖是27.6%,接着是19.3%的百度外卖和14.2%的淘点点,仅这四家便占据了外卖O2O的超过百分之九十市场。本文便以饿了么作为典型,对其在高校环境中的发展状况进行分析,对其面临的问题以及解决的方案进行分析研究,并在可见的视野论述其未来发展方向。 外卖O2O饿了么在高校的发展现状研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_79559.html
