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时间:2021-05-29 14:58来源:毕业论文



Abstract:With the advent of the internet economy era, the gradual improvement of electronic credit payment system, carrying out the internet marketing has become an essential marketing  mode of the apparel industry, online sales of clothing will further widen the Yiwu market. Based on the research of Yiwu garment industry and developing internet marketing conditions, after the investigation and study, we should analysis on the following problems: product, service price, promotion and safety. Then we put forward the countermeasure about displaying clothing from multiple and strengthening promotion; customer focus and improving the quality of clothing and fighting against piracy; perfecting price system and letting customer accept the price what be made; perfecting customer service system and strengthening communication with customer; perfecting the payment system and preventing the information disclosure; After doing that, we can promote the development of clothing internet marketing in Yiwu market.

Keywords: Yiwu small commodity market, internet marketing, clothing 

目  录

1  引言 3

2  4P、4C策略概念及网络整合营销理论依据 3

3  义乌小商品市场服装产业发展网络营销的条件 3

3.1  丰富的服装资源库 4

3.2  便捷的物流配送体系 4

3.3  良好的电子商务环境 4

3.4  服装产业网络营销的优势 5

4  义乌小商品市场服装类产品网络营销存在的问题 5

4.1  网站建设缺乏有效地推广和促销力度 6

4.2  实际产品与图片不符,盗版雷同现象严重 8

4.3  同款服装在不同商铺定价差异大 9

4.4  缺乏与消费者的沟通和联系 11

4.5  消费者信息和支付环境不安全 11

5  义乌小商品市场服装类产品网络营销发展对策 12

5.1  多方位展示服装,加强推广促销力度 12

5.2  以顾客为中心,提高服装质量,打击盗版 13

5.3  完善价格体系,以顾客能接受的成本定价 14

5.4  健全客户服务系统,加强与顾客的沟通联系 14

5.5  完善支付系统,防止顾客信息泄露 15

结论 16

参考文献 浙江义乌小商品市场服装类网络营销策略探讨+4P策略:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_75880.html
