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时间:2021-04-23 21:12来源:毕业论文


本文首先简述了现阶段国内外图书标签的发展研究情况,然后选择了豆瓣读书,中国国家图书馆,美国国会图书馆,Amazon和Library Thing五个中英文网站进行图书标签的收集,一共获得了六个种类,1200本图书的中英文标签信息。




毕业论文关键词  图书标签, 社会化标注,标签长度,标签重合

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title  A  Comparative  Study  of  Books  in  Both  English  and  Chinese  Tags


Currently, the network for the books to add tags is of a new service in Web2.0 era. Books tagged as social tagging of distinctive features, has been a library and book-sharing site widely used. However, the domestic library and book-sharing sites on the Books tab utilization is still relatively low.

This paper outlines the current stage of development of domestic and international situation of Books tab, and then selects the watercress reading, National Library of China, the United States Library of Congress, Amazon, and Library Thing five books in English website label collection, won a total of six species, 1,200 books in English and label information.

Followed by treatment obtained Books tab, using the manual processing and machine handle both methods, the number of tags, label length, label coincidence rate of integration, then Chinese Books tab, English Books tab, in the difference between the English books labels comparison.

The results showed that the development of domestic and foreign books tagged Books tab, there are still some gaps, through the data, and we can find books in English and causes of the differences between the labels.

Finally, this paper summarizes the work and domestic libraries and reading-sharing site development proposals.

Keywords   Book tag, Social tagging, Length of the tag, Tags overlap

目      次

1 绪论 2

1.1 选题背景 2

1.2  研究意义 2

1.2.1图书标签为搜索图书提供了有利支持 2

1.2.2  图书标签为用户推荐奠定了基础 2

1.2.3  图书标签为图书标注系统的发展创造了有利条件 3

1.3  研究思路 3

1.4  章节安排 4

文献综述 6

2.1  图书标签系统的发展 6

2.2  国外学者对图书标签的研究 6

2.3  学者关于图书标签的实验结果 7

2.4  图书标签的改进建议 8 中英文图书标签的比较研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_73989.html
