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时间:2021-03-31 20:33来源:毕业论文





毕业论文关键词: 新员工  组织社会化  心理契约  组织承诺

Title The Impact of Organizational Socialization To Newcomer’s Psychological Contract, Organizational Commitment


Nowadays, The new employee organizational commitment has been the focus of research on human resource management, this study focus on the relationship between three variables -- organizational socialization, psychological contract and organizational commitment that is crucial to the relationship between employees and enterprises . This research uses the questionnaire survey to obtain data, survey for the new staff of 202 enterprises from Jiangsu, Guangdong, Shanghai an so on. Based on the descriptive statistics, correlation analysis and regression analysis results, it shows:

(1) There was a significant positive correlation with organizational socialization level of psychological contract.

(2) There was a significant positive correlation between psychological contract and organizational commitment.

(3) the psychological contract and the team level of socialization of new employees of the organization were predictors of organizational commitment, and psychological contract can affect the level of team social intermediary organization commitment to the organization.

Keyword  The new employee  organizational socialization  psychological contract    organizational commitment  

目  次

1 引言 1

2文献和假设 2

2.1 基本概念 2

2.2 概念关系和假设 4

3 研究方法与程序 6

3.1调查对象 6

3.2测量工具 7

3.3测量程序 7

3.4统计方法 7

4研究结果 8

4.1 描述性统计和相关分析 8

4.2组织社会化水平、心理契约和组织承诺的回归分析 10

5讨论 12

5.1 控制变量与组织承诺 12

5.2 社会化水平、心理契约和组织承诺 12

结论与展望 14

致谢 15

参考文献 16

附  录 19


在现今的企业管理中,人力资源管理在企业管理中的作用越来越重要,企业越来越倡导人本思想,即以人为本,将人才视为组织的核心资源,所以如何吸引和留住人才是每个企业管理者所必须思考的问题。对于很多企业,每年都会花上大量的时间、财力和物力去吸收新的员工,但是令管理者头疼的是,很多新员工在刚入职不久,还没有给企业做出贡献,就已经选择离开,这极大的消耗了企业的资源,降低了企业的工作效率。对于新员工而言,从校园跨入社会,或者从一个企业进入到另一企业,所面临的都是一个新的环境,由于环境的不熟悉和未来的不确定性,许多新员工在进入企业之后,发现现实与自己原先所预想的情况有所差距,于是许多新员工出现了工作不适应的情况,导致了新员工出现较高的离职意向和行为。 组织社会化对新员工心理契约组织承诺的影响:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_72248.html
