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时间:2020-12-02 21:04来源:毕业论文

摘 要:随着中国经济和技术的高速发展,近几年来,我国房地产业也在飞速发展。中国的房地产业是个年轻的行业[1]但已然成为了我国国民经济的支柱性产业,推动和支持了我国国民经济持续和快速的发展。同时房地产业又是一种投资大、风险高、回报显著的行业,市场竞争日趋激烈,为了更好的实现销售,房地产企业不断的改进项目的营销策划方案,对房地产项目的开发成功与否起着至关重要的作用。本文主要应用了房地产市场营销理论与方法,分析淮安市大宁百货房地产项目的市场环境,在淮安市特定的竞争环境和区位环境下,制定出该项目有效的营销策略方案和市场定位。本文主要从项目的概况,市场环境,项目定位及营销策划等方面进行了研究分析,从而为本项目的销售进行风险回避与控制。60197

毕业论文关键词:房地产市场  淮安市大宁百货项目  营销策划

Abstract:With the rapid development of China's economy and technology, in recent years, our country real estate industry is in rapid development. China's real estate industry is a young industry [1], but has become the pillar industry of national economy in our country, promote and support the sustained and rapid development of national economy in our country. At the same time, the real estate industry is a big investment, significant risk, high return industry, increasingly fierce market competition, in order to achieve better sales, real estate enterprise continuous improvement project marketing planning scheme, for the development of real estate project success plays a vital role. In this paper, the application of the real estate market marketing theory and method, the analysis on the market environment, the department of real estate project in huaian specific competition environment and the geographical environment, make the project effective marketing strategy and market positioning. This article mainly from the overview of the project, market environment, project positioning and marketing planning, etc, are analyzed, and risk avoidance and control for the objective of the sales.

 Keywords:The real estate market, Daning department store project in Huaian City, Marketing Planning

1 设计选题说明 4

1.1 选题依据 4

1.2 设计项目概况 4

1.3 设计目的和要求 4

1.4 设计的难度 4

1.5 设计实现的可能性 4

2 设计依据 5

2.1 设计条件和依据 5

2.2 参考文献的选用 5

3 设计的技术路线 5

3.1 主要方法 5

3.2  数据的收集和处理 6

4 设计的价值 6

4.1 对专业学习的作用 6

4.2 对社会工作的作用 6

结论 7

参考文献 8

致谢 9

1  设计选题说明

1.1  选题依据


1.2  设计项目概况

淮安大宁百货项目业态分布主要以商业卖场区,休闲娱乐综合服务配套功能区,住宅区三区一体格局;为商家经营需求和消费者购物空间的运营支撑;一期(大宁百货)主要以服饰类为主。二期主要经营珠宝首饰、国际品牌服饰、高端工艺品、五星酒店以及7D影视城。三期主要是大型购物超市、高端蔬果卖场以及电器城。主要集购物、休闲娱乐、餐饮于一体的“一站式”主题购物中心。 淮安市大宁百货项目营销策划方案:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_65591.html
