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时间:2020-10-06 10:42来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键字: 大中学生;出国热;现象分析;对策研究


With the improving development of the economy, the communication between foreign countries is increasing. And since policy of study abroad is getting more completely. A lot of high school students and college students choose to study overseas. And by many different reasons, these kind of behaviors are increasing, and a craze of going abroad rises. The article will make a research in the range of five different school in Shanghai. And base on this research, this article is going to analysis motivation to study abroad, the influence of demand, and the status of abroad studying. The paper will finally combine the data from the research and the real cases  then find out the reason behind the question. Classify the cases in to different types, and discuss the key points. Finally make some Countermeasure research and get the conclusion.

KeyWords: Craze for going abroad; High school and college students; Countermeasure research


摘要 4

Abstract 5

绪论 6

一、文献回顾 7

(一)国外研究现状 7

(二)国内研究现状 7

二、大中学生出国留学现状调查及分析 7

(一)现状调查 7

(二)存在问题及分析 11

1、出国留学动机趋于个人功利化 12

2、留学中仍存在一定的盲目性 13

3、我国学生出国留学人数持续增长 14

4、“出国热”将会持续一段时间 14

5、中外交流发展使出国留学更加简单 14

6、留学生定居国外 14

三、大中学生出国留学需求影响因素分析 15

(一)个人因素 15

1、家庭所在地 15

2、父母受教育程度 15

3、父母职业 15

4、家庭收入 15

5、父母期望 16

(二)社会因素 16

1、国家政策 16

2、就业压力度 16

3、社会安全 16

4、生活水平 16

(三)教育因素 17

1、教育质量 17

2、高考制度 17 大中学生“出国热”现象分析与工作对策研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_62403.html
