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时间:2020-09-13 18:56来源:毕业论文

摘 要:通过对河下古镇开发现状和存在问题的调查研究发现,河下古镇在开发过程中存在着开发起步晚,竞争力不足;基础设施不完善,文化气息淡薄;宣传力度不够,辐射范围小,小景点名不副实,维护不到位以及景点新元素与古镇文化不协调等问题。因此,河下古镇应该合理整合旅游资源,重视挖掘文化深度;拓宽宣传渠道,加大宣传力度;并且通过调动居民参与古镇保护的积极性,加强景点维护,深度重视古镇发展,以此促进河下古镇发挥自身优势,向着良性发展。55947


Abstract:Through the study about the problems and the development situation of He Xia ancient town. We found that He Xia ancient town started late in the development process. It also lacks of competitiveness and cultural ambiance. The infrastructure is imperfect and the propaganda is not enough, the range of radiation is small. Some small attractions are unworthy of the name. The protection is not in place and the new elements do not go well with the cultural attractions in town. Therefore, He Xia ancient town should be reasonable to integrate tourism resources, attaches great importance to dig the depth of the culture. Widen the way of the publicity and need to intensify propaganda. In addition, we also need to strengthen attractions maintenance and depth attention to the development of town by mobilizing residents’ enthusiasm to participate in protecting the ancient town. In addition, it will promote the He Xia town to play its own advantage and lead to the healthy development.

Keywords: He Xia town, status analysis, tourism development


1 引言 5

2 文献回顾 5

3 研究对象与方法、资料处理 6

3.1 研究对象 6

3.2 研究方法 6

3.2.1 深度走访 6

3.2.2 问卷设计 6

3.3资料处理 6

3.3.1问卷资料处理 6

3.3.2走访资料处理 6

4开发现状与存在问题 6

4.1 开发现状 6

4.2存在的问题 7

4.2.1旅游开发起步晚,竞争力不足 7

4.2.2宣传力度不够,辐射范围小 7

4.2.3基础设施不完善,古文化气息淡薄 8

4.2.4一些景点名不副实,维护不到位 9

4.2.5景点新元素与古镇文化不协调 9

4.2.6镇内居民参与热情低,旅游接待差 10

5建议 10

5.1合理整合旅游资源,重视挖掘文化深度 11

5.2拓宽宣传渠道,加大宣传力度 11

5.3重视古镇各景点的维护 12

结语 12

参考文献 13

致谢 14

附录1走访记录整理 15

附录2问卷调查 21

1 引言

20世纪80年代,随着周庄、乌镇、同里等江南水乡古镇以及丽江、平遥、婺源等一批特色古镇的崛起,古镇旅游越来越受到人们的青睐。河下古镇是有着2500多年历史的文化古镇,历经千百年,古镇内的小街小巷一如从前,每一块砖,每一块瓦都记录着小镇特有的历史。河下古镇文化底蕴深厚,镇内不乏保存完好的传统民居、会馆,以及明清建筑风格的名人故居,整个街区历史风貌基本保存完好。在古镇旅游开发的潮流带动下,河下古镇也着手凭借其悠久的历史,古朴的民居建筑和深厚的文化底蕴开展古镇旅游,然而在开发和发展过程中也渐渐暴露出很多问题。 河下古镇的旅游开发现状和深度开发研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_60324.html
