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时间:2020-08-10 19:29来源:毕业论文



Abstract: In today's society,most college students have a support attitude towards doing part-time job,and most of the students had had a part-time experience. College students part-time is becoming more common, also caused concerns of the community and thinking. The main motive of part-time students choose in school, not only to obtain payment for labor, but also to the accumulation of social experience, expand the interpersonal communication. However, because the students lack of social experience, plus a part-time job market disorder, make some students in the part-time course of rights and interests have been infringed upon. To solve the college students part-time violations,they need to improve the relevant policies and regulations, strengthen the supervision on the market at the same time, part-time college students should pay attention to enhance the awareness of safeguarding rights. universities can also increase the employment guidance curriculum, the role of good.

Keywords:  College students,Part-time job,Motivation,Tort


1引言 3

2研究背景 3

3研究设计 4

3.1问卷设计 4

3.2研究对象 4

3.3方法和工具 5

4初步分析与结果呈现 5

4.1大学生兼职现状 5

4.2兼职动因分析 7

4.3兼职过程中问题分析 8

5结论与建议 13

5.1结论 13

5.2建议 14

参考文献 15

致谢 16

附录 17

1  引言


2   研究背景

随着经济的不断发展和社会的进步,高校的扩招使得越来越多的学子步入了大学的殿堂。大学生们在享受大学美好时光的同时,也面临着来自社会各方面的压力,社会竞争的加剧,使得高校毕业生的就业压力也随之增加。2013年,全国高校毕业生总人数达699万,再加上历届没有就业的高校学生,使得就业形势相当严峻。迫于自身生存发展的需要,更多的高校学生开始走出校园,根据自身的需要选择一些兼职工作,这使得大学生兼职成为各大高校的热门话题。 大学生兼职现状及动因分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_57915.html
