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时间:2018-06-06 17:26来源:毕业论文

Researches on current situation and countermeasures of talent management in shanghai private enterprises
Abstract:After thirty years of reform and opening up, private enterprises overcome the disadvantages such as weak infrastructure and congenitally deficient , has become an important part of the national economy. But private enterprise is how to survive in the competitive environment, the key is talent. In the 21th century, talent is the most important. Talent is the key to sustainable development of private enterprises. Shanghai is not only a gathering place for talent, but also a place where foreign companies and multinationals compete to investment. Talent competition becomes more intense for Shanghai private enterprises. This paper studies on the current situation and countermeasures of talent management in shanghai private enterprises. Currently the majority of private enterprises do not have a sound talent mechanism. Imperfect talent management hindered the development of private enterprises to expand. By reading a lot of literature and survey, applying the modern human resource management and talent management methods to improve private enterprise talent management problems, to improve the level of talent management and business competitiveness has very important practical significance.
Key Words:Private enterprises;Talent management;Countermeasures
一、绪论    1
(一) 研究背景    1
(二) 研究目的与意义    1
(三) 研究内容    1
(四) 研究方法    2
(五) 概念辨析    2
1、 人才    2
2、 人才管理    2
二、相关文献综述    4
三、 上海市民营企业人才管理现状    5
(一) 薪酬福利很关键    5
(二) 拜师学艺最普遍    5
(三) 规章制度不明确    5
四、上海市民营企业人才管理问题诊断    6
(一) 诊断方法    6
1、 问卷调查    6
2、 调查结果    6
(二) 存在的主要问题    6
1、 管理制度不完善    6
2、 薪酬福利过低    6
3、 薪酬绩效不挂钩    7
4、 缺乏培训制度    7
5、 不重视企业文化    7
五、上海市民营企业人才管理对策    9
(一) 制定完善的管理制度    9
(二) 提供合理的薪酬福利    9
(三) 采取薪酬与绩效挂钩的方式    10
(四) 建立健全的培训机制    10
(五) 培养企业文化    11
参考文献    12 上海市民营企业人才管理现状与对策研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_17067.html