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时间:2020-05-10 10:01来源:毕业论文



Psychological Pressure of Left Behind Women in Rural Areas and its Intervention Path

Abstract:In order to study the stress situation of the women left in rural, The article uses life events and coping mode scale to survey 150 left behind women in rural areas of  Guan Yin Tang village, Yan three Bay Village and Small Nan zhuang Village, Bao feng County, Ping ding shan city, Henan Province.The survey showed that rural women left behind at the higher level of psychological pressure in general; left behind women’s pressure over the age of 30 in rural areas is higher than under 30 years old women’s; the husband go out for longer periods of time, the greater the pressure of women left in rural areas; rural women in the choice of coping style on the frequency from high to low performance are to solve the problem, seeking help, fantasy, avoidance, rationalization; whether the women live with their parents-in-law or not has significant differences in the choice of coping style of problem solving. 

Key word: Psychological stress; Coping style; Rural left behind women

目  录

摘要 1

Abstract. 1

1研究对象和方法 2

1.1研究对象 3

1.2研究方法 3

1.3研究工具 3

1.4统计方法 3

2研究结果 3

2.1农村留守妇女的压力状况 4

2.2农村留守妇女压力的应对方式 5

3结果分析 6

3.1农村留守妇女压力分析 7

3.2农村留守妇女压力的应对方式分析 9

4农村留守妇女应对压力的建议 10

参考文献 11

附录 12

致谢 16

农村留守妇女心理压力和应对方式的调查研究 农村留守妇女是指农村地区由于丈夫长期外出务工,而留在家里照顾一家生活起居及其他生活事件的农村妇女[1]。80年代以来,随着经济发展的进步,农村男丁外出务工的现象越来越多,这导致农村青壮男丁的数量相对较少,形成农村留守老人,农村留守妇女,农村留守儿童等现象,而农村留守妇女更成为了留守家庭的主力军,既要照顾家人的生活起居,更要进行田间劳作,社会交往,子女教育等事件。丈夫的外出在增加了农村留守妇女身体劳累程度的同时还对农村留守妇女的精神带来了一定的压力。她们一方面要承担赡养老人的义务,还要承担子女养育的责任,这在一定程度上对农村留守妇女的生理和心理都产生了不同程度的影响。农村妇女自身心理承受能力就不高,繁琐的家庭生活付出和加增的体力劳动,逐渐累积的负能量使农村留守妇女的精神和体力都处于负荷状态,其心理压力也处于无法发泄的状态,这使农村留守妇女不仅要承担身为母亲、女儿和儿媳的三重角色的压力,还要担负起父亲、儿子、女婿的责任,在自身压力的前提下又多了一倍甚至更多的压力。 农村留守妇女心理压力和应对方式的调查研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_51227.html
