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时间:2020-04-25 19:56来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词:网络营销; 策略; DSR;绩效;天猫


This paper focuses on the discussion of tmall online watches shops’ e-marketing strategy. Firstly, this paper conducted a literature review of network marketing concepts and theories, the basic connotation and classification of network marketing strategy, marketing performance and network theory. Secondly, this paper comparative analysis of brand strategy, Web strategy, price strategy, channel strategy, sales promotion and customer service of three stores after the marketing environment analysis. Furthermore, this paper analysis the marketing metrics in DSR, sales, and after-sales, concluded that sales and pricing strategy has obvious relevance, the DSR’s three indicators have relevance. Finally, based on the results, this paper give some proposal about the external environment and marketing strategies. This research can help tmall businesses improve online marketing performance.

Keywords: Network-marketing; strategy; DSR; metrics; Tmall

目 录

摘    要 2

Abstract 2

目 录 3

1绪论 4

1.1研究背景与问题提出 4

1.2研究意义 5

1.3研究方法 5

1.4研究内容与技术路线图 6

2理论回顾与模型构建 6

2.1网络营销与网络营销策略的内涵 6

2.2网络营销策略理论及相关研究 7

2.3网络营销策略的绩效研究 8

2.4 理论总结与模型构建 9

3 天猫商家网络营销环境分析 11

3.1 网络营销宏观环境分析 11

3.2 天猫平台外部B2C营销环境分析 12

3.3天猫平台内部环境分析 14

4三个典型手表品牌网络营销策略案例研究 18

4.1品牌选择 18

4.2三品牌营销策略对比 21

4.3三品牌营销策略绩效对比 23

4.4绩效相关性分析 26

5网络营销策略选择的建议 31

5.1基于营销环境的建议 31

5.2基于主要营销策略的建议 31

5.3基于绩效研究的建议 天猫的手表品牌网络营销策略及其绩效研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_50507.html
