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时间:2020-02-26 21:57来源:毕业论文

Network insurance is one of the important ways in the insurance business, with the further development of China's Internet, the network insurance for the insurance companies and its status is more important. According to estimates, Chinese insurance electronic self-service channel market share ratio will reach at about 20% at 2020, in the next 10 years the domestic insurance network marketing have at least 100 billion RMB market potential to be excavated. It's a very exciting prospect, but as for the existing form, in product design, publicity and skilled worker of Internet insurance, some problems still exist. And national legislation on electronic commerce is also lag. At present, the academic circles have made certain achievements in the network insurance of legislation regulation and product design, which provide great reference value for the development of China's Internet insurance. This paper based on this situation, by collecting data , trying to analyze problems as low public awareness in the development of Chinese network insurance, the imperfect regulatory system, the insured risk, lack of franchise talent and product innovation . And the writer put forward some suggestions for the development of China's Internet insurance.
Key words:Internet Insurance; Development Status; Problem Research; Legislative Regulation
 目   录
摘    要    I
一、引言    1
(一)选题背景及意义    1
(二)文献综述    1
二、我国网络保险的发展现状    2
(一)经营主体和投保人数不断增加    2
(二)保费规模迅速扩大    3
(三)经营模式不断变化    4
(四)市场份额占比较低    5
三、网络保险发展存在的问题    5
(一)公众认知度不高    5
(二)国内法律法规尚不完善    6
(三)网络保险容易发生道德与信息安全风险    6
(四)保险公司内部重视程度不够    7
(五)缺乏产品创新及专营人才    7
四、提出的建议    8
(一)加强宣传及维护信誉    8
(二)完善网络保险立法和加强监管    8
(三)提高风险防范能力    9
(四)加强重视及健全网站建设    9
(五)加强产品创新和人才培养    9
参考文献    11
致    谢    12
2012年,“三马(马云、马化腾、马明哲)”筹建的专业网络财险公司——众安在线获准成立,被业界称为“全球首家互联网保险公司”,吸引了世人关注的目光。2014年双十一,众安保险单日保单1.5亿,保费破亿,震惊业界。网络保险的惊人发展让不少人始料未及。自1997年我国出现首个保险网站后,各大保险公司相继推出自己的网络保险平台。据2014年《互联网保险行业发展报告》的统计数据显示,2011年至2013年,国内经营互联网保险业务的公司从28家上升到60家,规模保费年均增长率达到201.68%,网络保险已成为中国保险业发展的一个重要方向。另据中国互联网络信息中心( CNNIC) 在京发布了《第34次中国互联网络发展状况统计报告》显示,截至2014年6月,我国网民规模达6.32亿,较2013年底增加1442万人。互联网普及率为46.9%,较2013年底提升了1.1个百分点。伴随着汹涌而来的网民大潮,网络保险势必得到更加长足的发展,前景令人兴奋。但我国的网络保险在发展过程之中仍存在着许多问题,机遇与挑战并存。因此,对网络保险的发展现状及其问题研究对于其接下来的发展具有重要意义。 网络保险的发展现状及问题研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_46990.html