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时间:2022-03-02 22:23来源:毕业论文

摘  要随着互联网的快速发展和网络应用的不断普及,公安机关正朝着智慧警务的方向快步发展,智慧警务推动了传统警务模式向现代警务模式的转型升级。“河南警民通”是在智慧警务视域下,提升河南省公安机关行政效率、效能和人民群众满意度的便民服务软件,然而在实际的运行过程中却出现了使用不普及、僵尸化运行、存在数据壁垒、专业人才缺乏等方面的问题。在对“河南警民通”的现状和问题分析的基础上,本文提出从统一平台,定期维护;转变民警思想观念,建立激励机制;优化“河南警民通”APP;人才管理等方面来探索推动河南省公安便民服务工作高效发展。78492


ABSTRACT With the rapid development of the Internet and the continuous popularization of network application, the public security organs are developing rapidly towards the direction of intelligent policing, which promotes the transformation and upgrading of traditional police mode to modern police mode。 "Henan police and civil communication" is a convenient service software to improve the administrative efficiency, effectiveness and people's satisfaction of public security organs in Henan Province from the perspective of intelligent policing。 However, in the actual operation process, there are some problems, such as non-popularization, zombie operation, data barriers, lack of professional talents, etc。 Based on the analysis of the current situation and problems of "Henan police and civilian communication", this paper proposes to explore and promote the efficient development of public security and civilian services in Henan Province from the aspects of unified platform, regular maintenance, transformation of the ideological concept of police, establishment of incentive mechanism, optimization of "Henan police and civilian communication" app, talent management, etc。

Key words: "Henan police and civil communication"; Intelligent policing; Internet plus; Government service。

目  录

摘   要 1


引   言 3

一、“河南警民通”概述 3

(一)“河南警民通”的产生背景 3

(二)“河南警民通”的运行情况 3

(三)“河南警民通”的重大作用 4

二、“河南警民通”存在的问题 5

(一)“河南警民通”使用不普及 5

(二)“河南警民通”僵尸化运行 5

(三)“河南警民通”存在数据壁垒 5

(四)专业人才缺乏 6

三、“河南警民通”APP的提升路径 6

(一)统一平台,定期维护 6

(二) 转变民警思想观念,建立激励机制 7

(三) 优化“河南警民通”APP 7

(四)“河南警民通”人才管理 8

结    语 9

参考文献 10

郑重声明 智慧警务视域下警民通APP运行存在的问题及路径分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_90460.html
