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时间:2019-08-04 15:39来源:毕业论文

摘要:当前,经济快速发展,城市化水平提高、社会形态及人们生活方式转变,传统村落人群落后的生活环境状态与对现代生活需求的矛盾日渐突出,作为传统聚落骨骼的街巷空间的保护发展问题首当其冲,解决这一问题,要求我们回归保护的初衷,以人为本改善人居环境。研究前期笔者通过查阅搜索近10年的相关资料文献,对其归类分析后,确定以研究较少的南京佘村为研究对象,而后试图从三个层面,宏观、中观、微观逐层深入来分析佘村街巷空间形态与构成。最后得出南京佘村的街巷空间存在(1)巷道分级不明确(2)基础设施不完善(3)巷道尽端破坏严重等问题,根据问题作者相应提出佘村街巷整治的策略,并为街巷的附属空间提供不同的改造方案。以期能够帮助各地发展其地域特色创造和谐宜人、具有场所精神的村落空间,为当今传统村落保护与发展提供思路与方法。  38030
Investigation and Analysis of Space Form and Composition of Ancient Village Streets   —Taking Nanjing She Village as An Example
Abstract:  Nowadays, economy is undergoing high-speed development, the urbanization level has been improved, the social form and people's mode of life have changed, the conflict between backward living environment of populations in traditional villages and the demand for modern life is increasingly prominent, and the problem of protection and development of street lane space as the skeleton of traditional settlements becomes the first to be affected, to solve this problem, the original intention of protecting should be regained and the human settlement should be improved based on the people-oriented idea. In the early stage of this study, the author consulted and searched relevant data and literatures in recent decade, conducted classified analysis on them and determined to take the rarely studied She Village in Nanjing as the object of this study. Next, a layer-by-layer analysis was conducted on the form and components of street lane space in She Village from macroscopic  view, mid-scale view and microscopic view. It is finally concluded that the street lane space in She Village has the following problems: (1) classification of laneways is vague; (2) infrastructure is imperfect (3) ends of the laneways are seriously damaged. According to these problems, the author put forward corresponding strategies for street lane renovation in She Village, and provided different reconstruction schemes for the affiliated space of the street lane, so as to create a harmonious and pleasant village space with the place spirit for various regions to develop their regional characteristics, and provide ideas and methods for the protection and development of the current traditional villages.
Key words: Ancient village;Space composition;Street space; Street renovation  
目  录 ...  i
摘要 .  1
关键词 ...  1
1  研究目的及意义   2
1.1研究目的  ..  2
1.2研究意义  ..  2
2 研究方法 ...  2
2.1 序列视景分析方法 .  2
2.2实地调研  ..  2
2.3 分析归纳 .  3
2.4文献阅读与整理    3
3既往研究    3
3.1国外关于街巷的研究    3
3.2国内关于传统街巷空间的研究    4
3.2.1街巷空间形态保护策略研究方向    4
3.2.2街巷空间交往行为研究方向    4
3.2.3街巷空间文化景观意象研究方向    4
3.4相关概念研究  ..  6
3.4.1古村落  ..  6
3.4.3界面    6
3.4.4 街巷的比例与尺度 ...  7 南京佘村古村落街巷空间形态与构成调研分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_36928.html