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时间:2017-02-27 22:18来源:毕业论文

Old Man's Attitude and Behavior on "The Boomerang Child"
in Zhabei District, Shanghai
Abstract:With ultra-high speed of China's economic and social transformation, social structure also started to the rapid changes, a call for "the boomerang child" emerging groups began to expose in the public eye, and caused the government and academic circles pay close attention to. At present domestic about "the boomerang child" literature, research is also constrained by the vast number of youth group's point of view. This article attempts from the interaction of relative level, namely "the boomerang child" as "old" one party in the perspective of the elderly, to explore into the old age of parents treat their children "chew old" behavior, attitude, and attitude about under this specific behavior. Through this paper's study found that most entering old age parents treat their children "into" are supportive, embodied in "willingly" support and "deigned" neutral two cases. And there is only a small part of the parents said to "fall into the" children "no", this article summarized as "outraged" against it.
Keywords:Old Man; The Boomerang Child; Devouring the Old
 目  录

一、绪    论    1
(一)研究缘起    1
(二)文献综述    1
(三)核心概念的界定    2
(四)研究方案    2
二、“心甘情愿”的支持    3
(一)情愿的承受:被失业子女“啃老”的父母    3
(二)心甘的担当:让已婚子女“靠老”的老人    5
三、“半推半就”的中立    6
(一)无奈的资助:“碍于情面”的“被啃”老人    6
(二)糊涂的给予:被“孝顺”儿女忽悠的老人    7
四、“义愤填膺”的反对    8
(一)长远的考虑:逼子女工作的“狠心”老人    9
(二)现实的残酷:无力再被子女“啃”的老人    9
(三)坚定的拒绝:反对子女“贪图享受”的老人    10
五、结论和讨论    10
(一)结论    10
(二)讨论    11
致    谢    12
参考文献    13
附录:访谈对象基本资料    14
随着中国社会的开放,后现代和个体化时代的侵袭,一些“被发现”的群体开始以独特的修辞出现在人们的视野中。比如说近些年,突然暴露于众的“啃老族”。在大众印象中,“啃老族”大体是指那些整天待游手好闲,过着“衣来伸手,饭来张口”的成年人。他们之所以被冠以“啃老”的不雅名号,则主要是因为其经济支撑绝大部分来源于年老的父母和近亲。此外,还包括诸多方面的影响因素,如家庭教育的偏差,学校教育的破坏,社会二元结构的夹击等(陈淑珍,2008:89)。 上海老年人对“啃老族”的态度和行为问题的研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_3525.html