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时间:2019-05-10 22:42来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:库存管理   供应链管理   ABC分类法   联合库存管理   精益生产    
Electronic Instrument Industry Co., Ltd. Wuxi Li Yuan plant inventory management optimization tips
Abstract: With the development of society, for manufacturing enterprises, stock issues has become an important measure of the success of the enterprise management. In supply chain management, inventory management not only affect the overall cost of one single enterprise, but also affect the operational efficiency and market competitiveness of all businesses on the same supply chain. Therefore, inventory management optimization study of the company's supply chain environment can have a very important theoretical and practical significance. Studies made herein for inventory management Electronic Instrument Industry Co., Ltd. Wuxi Li Yuan plant. First outlined the case of academic research inventory management, inventory management, and then the actual operation according to the actual analysis. Then according to the company's existing management, analysis of company stock management problems, and finally make recommendations for improvement on these issues.
 Key Words:Managed Inventory  Supply chain management   Activity Based Classification  Jointly Managed Inventory     Lean Production           
一、绪论    - 1 -
(一)选题背景    - 1 -
(二)研究目的及意义    - 1 -
二、供应链库存管理相关基本理论    - 2 -
(一)传统库存管理    - 2 -
(二)供应链模式下库存管理    - 3 -
三、无锡电仪蠡园工厂库存管理现状及问题    - 4 -
(一)公司简介    - 4 -
(二)公司库存管理现状    - 5 -
(三)公司库存管理问题    - 6 -
四、无锡电仪蠡园工厂库存管理优化方案    - 7 -
(一)建立战略合作伙伴关系    - 7 -
(二)ABC分类法    - 9 -
(三)联合库存管理(JMI)    - 11 -
(三)精益生产    - 12 -
五、总结    - 15 -
参考文献    - 1 -
制造企业在前几年十分红火,业绩喜人,获得了十分巨大的经济收益,为我国取得了十分惊人的经济增长,这都依赖于大批量生产。但是随着改革开放的不断深化,制造类企业也如雨后春笋般涌现出来,又由于近几年来国内外经济环境的飞速变化,市场的竞争变得日益激烈起来。尤其是市场环境逐渐向买方市场发展,这对许多制造企业带来了不小的冲击。由于九年义务教育的普及,人力资源逐渐变得昂贵起来,使得之前凭借较低的加工成本和廉价劳动力的大规模生产已经无法再具有其宝贵优势。面对眼前的巨大挑战和机遇,许多企业业已注意到库存管理的重要性。库存管理的优劣不仅影响企业的产能和总成本,也影响着整条供应链上所有企业的性能。以往的库存管理方式已经制约了企业的发展与竞争力。 电子仪表公司工厂库存管理优化建议:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_33159.html