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时间:2017-04-28 12:38来源:毕业论文

关键词: 手机;手机依赖症;人际交往;社会互动论
 The college students on mobile phone dependence research- Take Shanghai Institute of Technology for example
Abstract:With the development of science and technology, mobile phone function is more and more rich. Entertainment games, chat online, social networking tools, applications, mobile phone sets of multiple function gradually become essential for people's lives. It's convenient and very fit people's needs make more and more people have to rely on mobile phone. Mobile phone addiction become after Internet addiction after another modern unique behavior disorders. Excessive dependence on mobile phone leads to many such as irritability, anxiety and irritability in the absence of or inability to use the mobile phone, this kind of psychological disease is defined as the mobile phone dependence. This topic mainly through a questionnaire to test students in college application technology, investigation of the mobile phone dependence, and from the perspective of social interaction theory analysis of its causes, explore the existence of close relation between the addictive behavior and interpersonal communication, finally try to put forward some countermeasures to alleviate mobile phone dependence.
Key Word: Mobile phone;mobile phone dependence;interpersonal communication;social interaction theory
一、引言    3
二、 既往研究    4
三、 概念界定与研究理论    5
(一)概念界定    5
(二)研究理论    6
四、 研究方法    6
(一)调查对象    6
(二)调查工具    6
(三)资料的整理与统计    6
五、 调研结果与分析    7
(一)调查对象基本情况    7
(二)手机使用的基本情况    8
(三)手机依赖状况    11
优尔、讨论    15
(一)手机依赖症    15
(二)手机依赖危害    16
(三)手机依赖成因    17
七、结论    21
致谢    23
参考文献    24
随着科技的发展,人们生活水平的提升,手机推出至今,已经以惊人的速度普及,我国手机拥有量早在2002年便已经是世界第一位,2012年3月4日,据中国之声《新闻和报纸摘要》报道,我国手机用户突破10亿大关。在大城市都已经达到或者接近100%的普及率。然而手机的快速发展也带来诸多问题,不仅对于人类本身造成影响也对社会和文化产生影响。因此继网络成瘾之后,“手机成瘾”这个概念被提出,手机对人们造成了很大的危害,许多年轻人睡觉必须握着手机,二十四小时不关机,人们过多使用手机引起了类似于强迫症似的手机依赖症状,甚至没带或无法使用手机时会产生焦虑不安、烦躁压抑的负面情绪,手机依赖症成为了一种现代人独有的心理疾病问题。 大学生手机依赖现象研究+文献综述:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_5893.html