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时间:2017-02-13 15:46来源:毕业论文

中文摘要 随着网络技术和信息技术等新兴技术的不断发展,全球经济环境发生了巨大
关键词  流程再造  信息技术5731
Title   The Application of Information Technology in BPR  
With the continuous development of network technology and information
technology and other emerging technologies, the global economic
environment has undergone tremendous change. In order to gain advantage
from the fierce market competition in the new environment, companies are
active in business process reengineering to change the traditional
corporate organizational structure and operational modalities.
Business process management is the internal reform of enterprises to
change the corporate functions of regulatory agencies overlap, too many
intermediate level, the process is not closed and so on, so that each
process from start to finish manage by a functional institution, to make
the institutions do not overlap, the business is not going to repeat, to
shorten the process cycle and save the operation of the capital. In the
information technology platform, the process management model has been a
fundamental change, information sharing and operating instructions have
been recorded inside the system. By the help of information technology
platform, process management has become the operations control center and
monitoring center.
Keywords   Business Process Reengineering  Information Technology
目   次
1  引言 ... 1
1.1  背景及意义  ... 1
1.2  企业典型业务介绍 .. 1
1.3  典型业务流程存在的问题  .. 8
2  流程再造  .  10
2.1  职能管理  .  10
2.2  流程管理  .  11
2.3  流程管理的特性.  13
3  企业信息化  .  13
3.1  信息技术应用日益广泛    13
3.2  生产型企业典型信息化技术    14
3.3  建设企业信息化内容   15
4  企业典型业务流程基于信息技术的流程再造方案  ..  16
4.1  CM 公司人力资源管理业务流程再造.  16
4.2  CM 公司销售管理业务流程再造  .  22
4.3  CM 公司采购管理业务流程再造  .  30
4.4  CM 公司生产管理业务流程再造  .  38
4.5  CM 公司质量管理业务流程再造  .  41
5  业务流程重组中的信息处理和优化  ...  45
5.1  传统企业的信息交流机制    46
5.2  业务流程重组后的信息交流机制 ...  47
5.3  管理模式的扁平化对信息的影响 ...  49
5.4  实施信息管理  .  50
结   论  ..  52
致   谢  ..  54
参考文献..  55        
1  引言 流程再造中信息技术应用研究+文献综述:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_2894.html