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时间:2018-11-24 20:02来源:毕业论文

E-class:innovation path of community cultural construction
——based on the theoretical analysis of Jiang Qiao town D community
Abstract: Jiang Qiao town D community is a hybrid community composed of moving demolition users and migrant workers. Therefore,  the different cultures workers brought converge here and through the "E-class" which is a new-style carrier to guide the old and new culture coalesce, creating the unique community culture of D community.Through theoretical analysis and practice the good results appeared. This thesis ,based on community-culture activity, to reflect the importance of the construction of the community-culture, besides citing the example of "E-class" in the D community to get the effect of innovation path, analsing the advantages and disadvantages and drawing a conclusion.Through the literature method, interview method and questionnaire survey research methods, we contrapose the resident who participate in the “E-class”, interviewing them and doing questionnaire surveys, and obtained the expected effect. The fundamental purpose of the development of community culture activity is to meet the needs of community residents, residents participate in interaction, carries on the benign interaction and dating, and reached consensus on the rational, forming a unique community cultural community, promote the construction of the community. Therefore, residents actively participate into the community activities can help the construction of community culture.
Key words: cultural community,  E-class,   community   construction
一.绪论    1
(一)研究背景    1
(二)研究意义    1
二. 文献综述    2
(一)研究现状    2
(二)研究的发展趋势    6
(三)理论框架    6
(四)研究方法    7
三. 正文主体    7
(一) 案例江桥镇D社区概况介绍    7
(二)D社区“微课堂”项目    8
(三)D社区“微课堂”项目效果分析    11
四. 评价与结论    16
(一)评价    16
(二)结论    17
附录    18
致谢    15
参考文献    15
一.    绪论
21世纪是一个全民建设和谐社会发展的年代,社区的发展和建设就成了城市发展的主旋律。社区文化是任何事物发展路途上的无形指挥棒,社区的建设和发展离不开社区文化的支撑。因此,从社区文化着手,抓住重点,便可以促进社区的发展,引导社区往好的方向建设。 微课堂社区文化的创新路径实践分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_26323.html