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时间:2018-07-30 21:55来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:智联招聘 网络招聘 营销策略
 The Marketing Planning Book of Zhaopin's South Call Center
Abstract: Network recruitment market has changed dramatically in 2015, the first is the 58 city to big push into the job market, occupying 80% of the low-end jobs recruitment market. Then, on April 17, bought a 43.2% stake in market network, become its biggest shareholder, completing the acquisition target. 58 city followed by May 7, and completed the giant of China's third largest Internet recruiting chinahr acquisition targets.
    58 city crazy acquisitions are threatening the existing two giant network recruitment: 51 job and zhaopin. For the newly formed in September 2014 and the target market for three or four line city southern zhaopin call center, this means that a blow, 58 city in three or four line profile than zhaopin, market development and more difficult in a layer.
    This paper through to their own situation and external objective factors, using the method of SWOT and STP analysis, the enterprise itself facing the predicament and opportunity, put forward the corresponding countermeasures, which provide valuable strategy for the development of enterprises.
 Key Words:zhaopin,  Network recruitment,  marketing strategy
目 录
一、绪论    1
(一)选题背景    1
(二)研究意义    2
二、营销环境分析    2
(一)宏观环境    2
(二)微观环境    2
三、SWOT分析    4
(一)优势    4
(二)劣势    5
(三)机会    5
(四)威胁    6
四、STP分析    7
 (一) 市场细分    7
(二)确定目标市场    9
(三)市场定位    9
五、营销目标    9
(一)扩大市场占有率    9
(二)提高客户满意度    9
优尔、营销策略    10
(一)针对求职者方面    10
(二)针对客户方面    10
(三)针对企业方面    12
(四)针对产品方面    12
参考文献    15
智联招聘成立于1994年,是最早、最专业的人力资源服务提供商,且于2014年6月12日在纽约证券交易所上市。智联招聘为许多大型企业和中小型企业的快速发展,提供一站式的专业人力资源服务,包括校园招聘、网络招聘、智联卓聘、招聘伴侣RC、智联测评、猎头服务、智引海外、智联学院。在中国开创了人力资源高端杂志《首席人才官》,是一个政府颁发了人才服务许可证和劳务派遣许可证的专业性服务公司。截止2015年4月,智联招聘网拥有注册用户78000000位,72000000份完整简历简历,日均投递简历3,800,000人次,并且拥有12000000位app用户。 智联招聘南方呼叫中心营销策略研究+SWOT分析+STP策略:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_20713.html