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时间:2024-03-17 10:02来源:毕业论文

摘  要:员工满意度在企业管理中有着重要地位,有利于激发员工热情,推动公司发展。本文采用问卷的方式调查扬州中西造船有限公司员工对企业工作的满意度,发现企业薪酬管理中对个人诉求的满足、职业生涯管理中对计划的落实、知识管理中对培训的优化和人本管理中对人的重视四个方面影响员工的满意度。因此,完善薪酬激励制度、关注员工个人发展、搭建培训平台和多角度满足员工心理需求是有效提升员工满意度的重要途径。94722

毕业论文关键词: 员工满意度;知识管理;人本管理;薪酬

The Research of Employee Satisfaction Status and Promotion Strategy in Yangzhou Nakanishi Shipbuilding Co。, Ltd。

Abstract: Employee satisfaction plays an important role in enterprise management。 And it is helpful to motivate employees' enthusiasm and promote development of the company。 This paper uses the questionnaire to research the employee's satisfaction with the work of the enterprise in Yangzhou Nakanishi Shipbuilding Co。, Ltd。 It is found that employee satisfaction is affected by four aspects including the fulfillment of personal appeal in compensation management, the implementation of the plan in career management, the optimization of training in knowledge management and the attention of persons in humanistic management。 Therefore, significant four ways are proposed to improve employee satisfaction effectively, refining compensation incentive system, paying attention to the inpidual development of employees, setting up the training platform and meeting the psychological needs of employees from various angles。

Key Words:employee satisfaction; knowledge management; humanistic management; compensation

目  录

一、绪论 1

二、员工满意度理论综述 1

(一)员工满意度理论背景 1

(二)员工满意度内涵界定 2

(三)员工满意度影响因素 2

三、扬州中西造船有限公司员工满意度抽样调查分析 4

(一)调查背景 4

(二)研究方法 4

(三)调查对象 4

(四)统计分析 5

四、扬州市中西造船有限公司员工满意度影响因素剖析 9

(一)薪酬管理与员工个人需求不相匹配 9

(二)职业生涯管理体系计划落实不到位 9

(三)知识管理中企业培训模式有待优化 10

(四)人本管理未能获得管理层足够重视 10

五、扬州中西造船有限公司员工满意度提升对策研究 11

(一)赏罚分明,完善薪酬激励和福利保障制度 11

(二)选贤举能,关注员工个人发展并实现双赢 11

(三)自我超越,搭建培训平台以突破思维定势 12

(四)以人为本,力争多角度满足员工心理需求 13

六、结论 13

参考文献 14

致  谢 15

附录 调查问卷 扬州中西造船有限公司员工满意度现状及提升对策研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_202817.html
