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时间:2018-07-20 16:41来源:毕业论文

Universities Express End Distribution Problem and Development Strategies
Abstract:With the rapid development of China's electric business platform and the demand for the material delivery ,the number of China's express delivery increases year by year, which led to the problem of end distribution is becoming more and more serious. How to effectively solve the problems of the rising cost of terminal distribution, low distribution efficiency, and low resource utilization becomes urgent. With the development of Internet technology, the new end-distribution mode has been springing up, which will make it easier to solve the problem. This paper uses quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis method to analyze the status quo and problems of universities express end distribution, propose appropriate countermeasures in order to the good development of the universities express.
Key words:universities express; end distribution; delivery code
摘要    4
关键词    4
Abstract    4
Key words    4
一、引言    4
二、文献综述与理论基础    4
(一)末端配送的相关理论    4
(二)高校快递末端配送的发展    5
三、高校快递末端配送运作现状    5
(一)快递服务的使用次数    6
(二)快递服务的满意度    6
1.快递的送达方式    6
2.快递收取的时间花费    6
3.快递代理点的环境    7
4.快递包裹的完好程度    7
5.快递通知的时间段    7
四、高校快递末端配送存在的问题及原因分析    7
(一)高校快递末端配送存在的问题    7
1.快递送货上门服务欠缺,态度恶劣    7
2.快递露天摊,环境脏乱差    7
3.取件时间不合理,增添成本    7
4.信息系统不完善,效率低下    8
(二)高校快递末端配送存在问题的原因分析    8
1.快递包裹数量激增    8
2.高校环境封闭    8
3.员工技能服务不过关    8
4.高校基础设施欠缺    8
五、解决高校快递末端配送问题的对策研究    9
(一)基于高校服务中心的共同配送模式    9
1.模式结构    9
2.模式可行性分析    9
(1)安全保障性    9
(2)市场可观性    10
(3)盈利可行性    10
3.模式优势    10
(1)专业的业务管理和业务培训    10
(2)配送服务的个性化和人性化    10
(二)物流数据平台模式-菜鸟驿站    10
1.模式结构    11
2.模式优势    11
(1)实力雄厚    11
(2)安全隐患减少    12
(3)提供多样化的业务服务    12 高校快递末端配送问题分析及对策研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_19917.html