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时间:2018-04-13 21:25来源:毕业论文

关键词  QFD  竞争力  网络平台  质量屋
Title   The research of QFD application based on  the internet platform                         
With the Internet's development and growth, business operating of enterprises is under a great deal of influence. The major companies tend to build websites in order to support its business. They promote their products with text, graphics, video, and audio through their website while obtaining users’ feedback. The reason of why modern enterprises can provide customers with much more product information than traditional enterprises is business based on internet platform. Because of economic environment’ the rapid development, the major companies exposed the lack of competitiveness on market. In order to ensure that customers can accept products and services, companies tend to use the internet platform to receive customers’ feedback and requirements. A rigorous customer quality requirement analysis tools should be applied to this planning process .they can analyze the quality about their own products. House of Quality is a representative method of the quality function deployment. QFD based on internet platform is a s a customer-oriented approach that is quick and easy. The QFD method observes an analysis for ‘invisible’ quality in a quick way. In this paper, we discuss the method of quality function deployment based on the internet platform.
Keyword  QFD  The internet platform  House of Quality
 目   次
1  绪论    1
1.1  研究背景    1
1.2  研究意义    1
1.3  国内外研究现状    2
1.4  研究内容与结构    3
2  相关概念和理论    5
2.1  QFD方法相关概念    5
2.2  质量屋相关概念    8
3  网络平台的QFD    11
3.1  利用网络平台获取顾客需求    11
3.2  顾客需求重要度的获取    13
3.3  质量要素的获取及建立质量要素与顾客需求的相关关系矩阵    13
3.4  构建质量屋    14
4  基于网络平台的质量功能展开案例分析    15
4.1  A公司简介    15
4.2  A公司利用网络平台获取顾客需求信息    15
4.3  A公司关于顾客需求重要度的获取    16
4.4  A公司服务质量要素及相关矩阵的获取    18 基于网络平台的质量功能展开(QFD)应用研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_13203.html